Package: MSEtool 3.7.9999

Adrian Hordyk

MSEtool: Management Strategy Evaluation Toolkit

Development, simulation testing, and implementation of management procedures for fisheries (see Carruthers & Hordyk (2018) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13081>).

Authors:Adrian Hordyk [aut, cre], Quang Huynh [aut], Tom Carruthers [aut], Chris Grandin [ctb]

MSEtool.pdf |MSEtool.html
MSEtool/json (API)

# Install 'MSEtool' in R:
install.packages('MSEtool', repos = c('', ''))

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3



7.67 score 8 stars 3 packages 156 scripts 524 downloads 208 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 14 days agofrom:94363a7d71. Checks:1 OK, 9 NOTE, 1 FAILURE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 04 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 04 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OUTDATEDJan 17 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Stock class objectsAlbacore Bluefin_tuna Bluefin_tuna_WAtl Blue_shark Butterfish Herring Mackerel Porgy Rockfish Snapper Sole Stock-class-objects Toothfish
MOM class objectsAlbacore_TwoFleet MOM-class-objects
Apply multi Management Procedures (class MMP) to a hierarchical list of Data class objectsapplyMMP
Apply Management Procedures to an object of class DataapplyMP
Convert ASAP 3 assessments into an operating modelASAP2Data ASAP2OM
Reads bootstrap estimates from a stock assessment model into a multi-fleet operating model.Assess2MOM
Reads bootstrap estimates from a stock assessment model (including VPA) into an operating model. 'Assess2OM' is identical to 'VPA2OM'.Assess2OM VPA2OM
Data class objectsAtlantic_mackerel China_rockfish Cobia Data-class-objects Example_datafile Gulf_blue_tilefish ourReefFish Red_snapper Simulation_1
What objects of this class are availableavail
Reads MCMC estimates from Awatea (Paul Starr) processed r file structure into an operating modelAwatea2OM
Import a multi-stock, multi-fleet OM from a BAM objectBAM2MOM BAM2OM
Boxplot of TAC recommendationsboxplot.Data
Calculate Reference YieldcalcRefYield
Simplifies the CAL slot of data objectCALsimp
Identify management procedures (MPs) based on data availabilityCan Cant DLMdiag Needed
Check for duplicated MPs namesCheckDuplicate
Check that specified MPs are valid and will run on MSEtool::SimulatedDataCheckMPs
Utility functions for MSE objectsaddMPs checkMSE joinHist joinMSE updateMSE
Check OM object is completeCheckOM
Manually map parameters for the historical period of operating modelChoose ChooseEffort ChooseM ChooseSelect
Create a blank MP recommendations object (class Rec) of the right dimensionsCombineMMP
Check ConvergenceConverge
Current default thresholds for COSEWIC satisficingCos_thresh_tab
Internal function for checking that the 'OM@cpars' is formatted correctlycparscheck
Plot the median biomass and yield relative to last historical yearCplot
Read in Data object from Excel spreadsheetData_xl
Class ''Data''Data-class
Converts a Data object into a .csv data fileData2csv
Directory of the data in the installed package on your computerDataDir
Initialize Data Input FilesDataInit
Fleet class objectsDecE_Dom DecE_HDom DecE_NDom FlatE_Dom FlatE_HDom FlatE_NDom Fleet-class-objects Generic_DecE Generic_FlatE Generic_Fleet Generic_IncE IncE_HDom IncE_NDom Low_Effort_Non_Target Targeting_Small_Fish Target_All_Fish
Department of Fisheries and Oceans stock status bar plotDFO_bar
Department of Fisheries and Oceans historical plotDFO_hist
Department of Fisheries and Oceans trade-off plotDFO_plot
Department of Fisheries and Oceans default plot 2DFO_plot2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans projection plotDFO_proj
Department of Fisheries and Oceans biomass quantile plotDFO_quant
Create a standard DFO MSE reportDFO_report
DFO performance spider plot (top three MPs)DFO_spider
Create a standard DFO performance tableDFO_tab
A formatted version of the standard DFO performance plot, color coded by thresholdsDFO_tab_formatted
Directory of the installed package on your computerDLMDataDir
Double-normal selectivity curvednormal
Hockey Stick Harvest control rule that modifies TAC.doHCR
Create indices that are sampled at various frequenciesdoIfreq
Determine dominate MPsDom
Calculate a management recommendation given constraintsdoRec
A flexible empirical management procedure.Emp
MP feasibility diagnosticFease
Class ''Fleet''Fleet-class
Reference management procedurescurEref FMSYref FMSYref50 FMSYref75 NFref
Obs class objectsGeneric_Obs Imprecise_Biased Imprecise_Unbiased Obs-class-objects Perfect_Info Precise_Biased Precise_Unbiased
get object classgetclass
Get part of an MP specific data-listgetDataList
Extract the first dimension of a hierarchical list of recommendation objectsgetfirstlev
Optimization function to find a movement model that matches user specified movement characteristics modified for Rcpp.getmov2
Search R session for MPgetMP
Count independent variables for a MICE relationship at position x in a Rel listgetnIVs
Calculate selectivity curvegetsel
Stock recruit parameterizationhconv R0conv SRalphaconv SRbetaconv
Internal Herm functionscheckHerm expandHerm Herm-int subsetHerm
Class ''Hist''Hist-class
Wrapper for histogram functionhist2
Class ''Imp''Imp-class
~~ Methods for Function 'initialize' ~~initialize initialize,Data-method initialize,DLM_general-method initialize,Fease-method initialize,Fleet-method initialize,MSE-method initialize,Obs-method initialize,OM-method initialize,Stock-method initialize-methods
Function to run a set of input control methodsInput
Reads iSCAM files into a hierarchical R list objectfetch.file.names iSCAM load.iscam.files read.control.file read.mcmc read.par.file read.projection.file
Reads MPD or MCMC estimates and data from iSCAM file structure into an operating modeliSCAM2Data iSCAM2OM
Combines all iSCAM age composition data across fleetsiSCAMcomps
Combines indices into a single index using linear modelling (** Deprecated **)iSCAMinds
Plot several plots with a shared legendjoin_plots
Join Data objects present in a listjoinData
KOBE plot: a projection by projection plot of F/FMSY and B/BMSYKplot
Lag the time-series slots in a 'Data' object by a specified number of time-stepsLag_Data
Dimensions of a hierarchical list objectldim
Predict missing life-history parametersLH2OM predictLH
Utility for making multi-OMsmakeMOM
Calculates movement matrices from user inputs for fraction in each area (fracs) and probability of staying in areas (prob)makemov
Calculates movement matrices from user inputs for fraction in each area (fracs) the relative fraction moving to other areas, plus a mean probability of staying in any given area.makemov2
MICE relationships for multi-OMmakeRel predict.Rel print.Rel simulate.Rel
Make colors transparentmakeTransparent
Depletion and F estimation from mean length of catchesML2D
Class ''MMSE''MMSE-class
Class ''MOM''MOM-class
Apply the movement model to the stock for one time-stepmovestockCPP
Rcpp version of the Optimization function that returns the squared difference between user specified and calculated movement parameters.movfit_Rcpp
Fill any NAs arising from MPCalcs (hermaphroditism mode)MPCalcsNAs
Management Procedure TypeMPtype
Class ''MSE''MSE-class
Load more data from MSEextra packageMSEextra
Internal function to calculate MSY Reference PointsMSYCalcs
Combine data among fleetsmultiData
Combine data among stocksmultiDataS
A basic comparison of runMSE output (MSE) and multiMSE (MMSE)multidebug
Item in list: get the list values from a list of listsNIL
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration default plot 1NOAA_plot
Class ''Obs''Obs-class
Class ''OM''OM-class
Generate OM Documentation ReportOMdoc
Copy example OM XL and OM DocumentationOMexample
Initialize Operating ModelOMinit
Determine optimal number of cpusoptCPU
Imp class objectsImp-class-objects Overages Perfect_Imp
Performance Metrics MethodsAAVE AAVY LTY P10 P100 P50 PerformanceMetric PGK PNOF STY Yield
Plot Data objectplot.Data
Standard plot for an object of class MMSE (multi MSE)plot.MMSE
Standard plot for an object of class MOMplot,MOM,missing-method plot.MOM
Plot MSE objectplot.MSE
Plot Operating Model Objectplot.Fleet plot.Hist plot.Imp plot.Obs plot.OM plot.Stock
Print out plotting functionsplotFun
A basic SSB plot for debugging runMSE outputplotmulti
A generic OFL plot for NOAA useplotOFL
A fairly tidy time-series quantile plotplotquant
Plot a relationship between stocksplotRel
Create a table of Performance Limits and Performance ObjectivesPMLimit PMObj
An object for storing data for analysis using data-limited methodsPMobj-class
A projection by projection plot of F/FMSY and B/BMSYPplot
A projection by projection plot of F/FMSY, B/BMSY, B/B0, and yieldPplot2
Performance Whisker PlotPWhisker
A quantile plotquantile_plot
MP feasibility diagnostic using real dataRealFease
Class ''Rec''Rec-class
Replace an existing Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp objectReplace
Enlarge (replicate) a DLM data object to create an additional dimension for simulation / sensitivity testingreplic8
Generate a Data ReportReport
What management procedures need what dataRequired
COSEWIC MSE run using the correct MPs and projected time horizonCOSEWIC_Blow COSEWIC_Dplot COSEWIC_Hplot COSEWIC_Pplot COSEWIC_report COSEWIC_tab COSEWIC_tab_formatted runCOSEWIC
Runs input control MPs on a Data object.runInMP
Run a Management ProcedurerunMP
Select DataList for an MP from 'MMSE@PPD'select_MP
Sensitivity analysisSense
Setup parallel processingsetup
Show MSEtool S4 objectsshow show,Data-method show,Hist-method show,MMSE-method show,MSE-method show,OM-method show-MSEtool
Show the output of a PMshow,PMobj-method
Show the output of a single MP recommendationshow,Rec-method
Slot in list: get the slot values from a list of objectsSIL
Simulate Catch-at-Age DatasimCAA
Simulate Catch-at-Length DatasimCAL
Calculates movement matrices from user inputsplot_mov simmov
Calculates movement matrices from user specified distribution among other areassimmov2
Run a Management Strategy EvaluationProject runMSE Simulate
SimulatedData DataSimulatedData
Run a multi-fleet multi-stock Management Strategy EvaluationmultiMSE ProjectMOM SimulateMOM
Manually map the historical relative fishing effort trajectory.SketchFun
General purpose polynomial smoothersmoothy
Standard MSE projection plotSplot
Reads data Stock Synthesis file structure into a Data object using package r4ssSS2Data
Reads data Stock Synthesis file structure into a nested Data object analogous with multiMSESS2DataMOM
Import Stock Synthesis to MOM (2-sex multi-fleet) or OM (single-sex, single-fleet)MOM_agg_fleets plot_SS2MOM plot_SS2OM SS2MOM SS2OM SSMOM2OM
Plot Spawning stock biomass and reference points for both historical and projected periodSSBrefplot
Class ''Stock''Stock-class
Subset MSE object by management procedure (MP) or simulation.Sub
Subset the cpars slot in an operating modelSubCpars SubCpars,MOM-method SubCpars,OM-method
Subset a Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp object from an OM objectSubOM
Summary of Data objectsummary,Data-method
Summary of MMSE objectsummary,MMSE-method
Summary of MSE objectsummary,MSE-method
Calculate TAC recommendations for more than one MPTAC
TAC FilterTACfilter
Tom's expand gridTEG
OM class objectsOM-class-objects testOM
Current default thresholds for DFO satisficingThresh_tab
Remove observation, implementation, and process errortinyErr tinyErr,OM-method
Generic Trade-Plot FunctionNOAA_plot2 Tplot Tplot2 Tplot3 TradePlot
Tune MPtune_MP
Turing TestTuring TuringMOM
Find the Management Procedures that use a particular data slotUses
Valid custom parameters (cpars)validcpars
Calculate Value Of InformationVOI
Calculate Value Of Information 2VOI2
Yet another Value of Information PlotVOIplot
Takes a fitted SAM model and samples historical population and fishing dynamics from the MLE fit and variance-covariance matrix.WHAM2OM
Biomass wormplotwormplot
Internal function to write CSVs for objectswriteCSV
Import a Data object from Excel fileXL2Data
Import Fleet Object from Excel fileXL2Fleet
Load OM from Excel fileXL2OM
Import Stock Object from Excel fileXL2Stock