{"Slot":"Name","Description":"The name of the Data object. Single value. Character string"} {"Slot":"Common_Name","Description":"Common name of the species. Character string"} {"Slot":"Species","Description":"Scientific name of the species. Genus and species name. Character string"} {"Slot":"Region","Description":"Name of the general geographic region of the fishery. Character string"} {"Slot":"LHYear","Description":"The last historical year of the simulation (before projection). Single value. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"MPrec","Description":"The previous recommendation of a management procedure. Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Units","Description":"Units of the catch/absolute abundance estimates. Single value. Character string"} {"Slot":"MPeff","Description":"The current level of effort. Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"nareas","Description":"Number of fishing areas. Vector of length nsim. Non-negative integer"} {"Slot":"MaxAge","Description":"Maximum age. Vector nsim long. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"Mort","Description":"Natural mortality rate. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Mort","Description":"Coefficient of variation in natural mortality rate. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"vbLinf","Description":"Maximum length. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_vbLinf","Description":"Coefficient of variation in maximum length. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"vbK","Description":"The von Bertalanffy growth coefficient K. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_vbK","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the von Bertalanffy K parameter. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"vbt0","Description":"Theoretical age at length zero. Vector nsim long. Non-positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_vbt0","Description":"Coefficient of variation in age at length zero. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"wla","Description":"Weight-Length parameter alpha. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_wla","Description":"Coefficient of variation in weight-length parameter a. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"wlb","Description":"Weight-Length parameter beta. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_wlb","Description":"Coefficient of variation in weight-length parameter b. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"steep","Description":"Steepness of stock-recruitment relationship. Vector nsim long. Value in the range of one-fifth to 1"} {"Slot":"CV_steep","Description":"Coefficient of variation in steepness. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"sigmaR","Description":"Recruitment variability. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_sigmaR","Description":"Coefficient of variation in recruitment variability. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"L50","Description":"Length at 50 percent maturity. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_L50","Description":"Coefficient of variation in length at 50 per cent maturity. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"L95","Description":"Length at 95 percent maturity. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"LenCV","Description":"Coefficient of variation of length-at-age (assumed constant for all age classes). Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"LFC","Description":"Length at first capture. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_LFC","Description":"Coefficient of variation in length at first capture. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"LFS","Description":"Shortest length at full selection. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_LFS","Description":"Coefficient of variation in length at full selection. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Vmaxlen","Description":"Vulnerability of individuals at asymptotic length. Vector nsim long. Real number between 0 and 1."} {"Slot":"Year","Description":"Years that corresponding to catch and relative abundance data. Vector nyears long. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"Cat","Description":"Total annual catches. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Cat","Description":"Coefficient of variation in annual catches. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers. Note: built-in MPs use only the first value of CV_Cat for all years."} {"Slot":"Effort","Description":"Annual fishing effort. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Effort","Description":"Coefficient of variation in annual effort. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers. Note: built-in MPs use only the first value of CV_Effort for all years."} {"Slot":"Ind","Description":"Relative total abundance index. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Ind","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the relative total abundance index. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers. Note: built-in MPs use only the first value of CV_Ind for all years"} {"Slot":"SpInd","Description":"Relative spawning abundance index. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_SpInd","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the relative spawning abundance index. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers."} {"Slot":"VInd","Description":"Relative vulnerable abundance index. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_VInd","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the relative vulnerable abundance index. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers."} {"Slot":"AddInd","Description":"Optional additional indices. Array of dimensions nsim , n additional indices, and nyears (length Year )."} {"Slot":"CV_AddInd","Description":"Coefficient of variation for additional indices. Array of same dimensions as AddInd"} {"Slot":"AddIndV","Description":"Vulnerability-at-age schedules for the additional indices. Array with dimensions: nsim , n additional indices, MaxAge+1 ."} {"Slot":"AddIunits","Description":"Units for the additional indices - biomass (1; default) or numbers (0). Numeric vector length n.ind."} {"Slot":"AddIndType","Description":"Index calculated from total stock (1, default), spawning stock (2), or vulnerable stock (3). Numeric vector of length n.ind"} {"Slot":"Rec","Description":"Recent recruitment strength. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Rec","Description":"Log-normal CV for recent recruitment strength. Matrix nsim rows and either 1 or nyear columns. Positive real numbers. Note: built-in MPs use only the first value of CV_Rec for all years."} {"Slot":"ML","Description":"Mean length time series. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"Lc","Description":"Modal length of catches. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Lbar","Description":"Mean length of catches over Lc. Matrix of nsim rows and nyears columns. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Vuln_CAA","Description":"Optional vulnerability-at-age schedule for catch-at-age samples. Used to condition OM for closed-loop simulation testing. Replaces the fleet selectivity schedule in the OM used to generate CAA samples. Matrix with dimensions nsim x MaxAge+1 ."} {"Slot":"CAA","Description":"Catch at Age data (numbers). Array of dimensions nsim x nyears x MaxAge+1. Non-negative integers"} {"Slot":"Vuln_CAL","Description":"Optional vulnerability-at-length schedule for catch-at-length samples. Used to condition OM for closed-loop simulation testing. Replaces the fleet selectivity schedule in the OM used to generate CAL samples. Matrix with dimensions nsim x length(CAL_mids) ."} {"Slot":"CAL_bins","Description":"The values delimiting the length bins for the catch-at-length data. Vector. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"CAL_mids","Description":"The values of the mid-points of the length bins. Optional, calculated from CAL_bins if not entered. Vector. Non-negative real numbers."} {"Slot":"CAL","Description":"Catch-at-length data. An array with dimensions nsim x nyears x length(CAL_mids). Non-negative integers. By default the CAL data will be the retained lengths (i.e, not including discards). If OM@control$CAL ==\"removals\" then the CAL data will include all removals (retained + discards)."} {"Slot":"Dep","Description":"Stock depletion SSB(current)/SSB(unfished). Vector nsim long. Fraction."} {"Slot":"CV_Dep","Description":"Coefficient of variation in current stock depletion. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Abun","Description":"An estimate of absolute current vulnerable abundance. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Abun","Description":"Coefficient of variation in estimate of absolute current stock size. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"SpAbun","Description":"An estimate of absolute current spawning stock abundance. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_SpAbun","Description":"Coefficient of variation in estimate of absolute spawning current stock size. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"FMSY_M","Description":"An assumed ratio of FMSY to M. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_FMSY_M","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the ratio in FMSY/M. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"BMSY_B0","Description":"The most productive stock size relative to unfished. Vector nsim long. Fraction"} {"Slot":"CV_BMSY_B0","Description":"Coefficient of variation in the position of the most productive stock size relative to unfished. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Cref","Description":"Reference or target catch level (eg MSY). Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Cref","Description":"Log-normal CV for reference or target catch level. Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Bref","Description":"Reference or target biomass level (eg BMSY). Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Bref","Description":"Log-normal CV for reference or target biomass level. Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Iref","Description":"Reference or target relative abundance index level (eg BMSY / B0). Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_Iref","Description":"Log-normalCV for reference or target relative abundance index level. Vector of length nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"t","Description":"The number of years corresponding to AvC and Dt. Single value. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"AvC","Description":"Average catch over time t. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"CV_AvC","Description":"Coefficient of variation in average catches over time t. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Dt","Description":"Depletion over time t SSB(now)/SSB(now-t+1). Vector nsim long. Fraction"} {"Slot":"CV_Dt","Description":"Coefficient of variation in depletion over time t. Vector nsim long. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Ref","Description":"A reference management level (eg a catch limit). Single value. Positive real number"} {"Slot":"Ref_type","Description":"Type of reference management level (eg 2009 catch limit). Single value. Character string"} {"Slot":"Log","Description":"A record of events. Single value. Character string"} {"Slot":"params","Description":"A place to store estimated parameters. An object. R list"} {"Slot":"PosMPs","Description":"The methods that can be applied to these data. Vector. Character strings"} {"Slot":"TAC","Description":"The calculated catch limits (function TAC). An array with dimensions PosMPs x replicate TAC samples x nsim. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"Sense","Description":"The results of the sensitivity analysis (function Sense). An array with dimensions PosMPs x sensitivity increments. Positive real numbers"} {"Slot":"MPs","Description":"The methods that were applied to these data. Vector. Character strings"} {"Slot":"OM","Description":"A table of operating model conditions. R table object of nsim rows. Real numbers"} {"Slot":"Obs","Description":"A table of observation model conditions. R table object of nsim rows. Real numbers"} {"Slot":"Misc","Description":"Other information for MPs. An object. R list"}