{"Slot":"Name","Description":"Name of the MSE object. Single value. Character string"} {"Slot":"nyears","Description":"The number of years for the historical simulation. Single value. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"proyears","Description":"The number of years for the projections - closed loop simulations. Single value. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"nMPs","Description":"Number of management procedures simulation tested. Single value. Positive integer."} {"Slot":"MPs","Description":"The names of the MPs that were tested. Vector of length nMPs. Character strings."} {"Slot":"nsim","Description":"Number of simulations. Single value. Positive integer"} {"Slot":"OM","Description":"Operating model parameters (last historical year used for time-varying parameters). Data.frame with nsim rows"} {"Slot":"Obs","Description":"Observation parameters (last historical year used for time-varying parameters). Data.frame with nsim rows"} {"Slot":"SB_SBMSY","Description":"Simulated spawning biomass relative to spawning BMSY over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"F_FMSY","Description":"Simulated fishing mortality rate relative to FMSY over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"N","Description":"Simulated total numbers over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, maxage+1, nMPs, proyears, nareas. Non-negative real numbers."} {"Slot":"B","Description":"Simulated stock biomass over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"SSB","Description":"Simulated spawning stock biomass over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"VB","Description":"Simulated vulnerable biomass over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"FM","Description":"Simulated fishing mortality rate over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"SPR","Description":"Named list with equilibrium and dynamic SPR. Each element is an array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers."} {"Slot":"Catch","Description":"Simulated catches (landings) over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"Removals","Description":"Simulated removals (catch + discards) over the projection. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"Effort","Description":"Simulated relative fishing effort in the projection years. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"TAC","Description":"Simulated Total Allowable Catch prescribed by MPs. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"TAE","Description":"Simulated Total Allowable Effort prescribed by MPs. An array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, proyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"BioEco","Description":"Named list with bio-economic output Only used if bio-economic parameters are included in OM"} {"Slot":"RefPoint","Description":"Named list of annual MSY reference points MSY, FMSY, and SBMSY. Array with dimensions: nsim, nMPs, nyears+proyears. Will be the same as Hist@Ref$ByYear unless selectivity is changed by MP"} {"Slot":"CB_hist","Description":"Simulated catches (landings) from the spool-up period. An array with dimensions: nsim, nyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"FM_hist","Description":"Simulated fishing mortality rate from the spool-up period. An array with dimensions: nsim, nyears Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"SSB_hist","Description":"Simulated spawning stock biomass from the spool-up period. An array with dimensions: nsim, nyears. Non-negative real numbers"} {"Slot":"Hist","Description":"Information from the historical spool-up period. Object of class Hist . Only returned if extended=TRUE in runMSE"} {"Slot":"PPD","Description":"Posterior predictive data. List of Data objects at the end of the projection period (length nMPs )"} {"Slot":"Misc","Description":"Miscellaneous output"}