Title: | Stock Assessment Methods Toolkit |
Description: | Simulation tools for closed-loop simulation are provided for the 'MSEtool' operating model to inform data-rich fisheries. 'SAMtool' provides a conditioning model, assessment models of varying complexity with standardized reporting, model-based management procedures, and diagnostic tools for evaluating assessments inside closed-loop simulation. |
Authors: | Quang Huynh [aut, cre], Tom Carruthers [aut], Adrian Hordyk [aut] |
Maintainer: | Quang Huynh <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.8.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-24 23:25:57 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/Blue-Matter/SAMtool |
Simulation tools for closed-loop simulation are provided for the 'MSEtool' operating model to inform data-rich fisheries. SAMtool provides an OM conditioning model, assessment models of varying complexity with standardized reporting, diagnostic tools for evaluating assessments within closed-loop simulation, and helper functions for building more complex operating models and model-based management procedures.
The main features of SAMtool are the assessment models and the ability to make model-based management procedures by combining assessment models with harvest control rules. Such MPs can be used and tested in management strategy evaluation with MSEtool operating models. An overview of these features is available on the openMSE website.
The RCM()
(Rapid Conditioning Model) can be used to condition operating models from real data.
The following articles are available on the openMSE website:
The function documentation can be viewed online.
Quang Huynh [email protected]
Tom Carruthers [email protected]
Adrian Hordyk [email protected]
Carruthers, T.R., Punt, A.E., Walters, C.J., MacCall, A., McAllister, M.K., Dick, E.J., Cope, J. 2014. Evaluating methods for setting catch limits in data-limited fisheries. Fisheries Research. 153: 48-68.
Carruthers, T.R., Kell, L.T., Butterworth, D.S., Maunder, M.N., Geromont, H.F., Walters, C., McAllister, M.K., Hillary, R., Levontin, P., Kitakado, T., Davies, C.R. Performance review of simple management procedures. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 73: 464-482.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/Blue-Matter/SAMtool/issues
An S4 class that contains assessment output. Created from a function of class Assess
Name of the assessment model.
Name of Data object.
Logical. Whether the assessment model converged (defined by whether TMB returned a positive-definite covariance matrix for the model).
Estimate of exploitation at maximum sustainable yield.
Estimate of instantaneous fishing mortality rate at maximum sustainable yield.
Estimate of maximum sustainable yield.
Biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
Spawning stock biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
Vulnerable biomass at maximum sustainable yield.
Biomass at unfished equilibrium.
Recruitment at unfished equilibrium.
Abundance at unfished equilibrium.
Spawning stock biomass at unfished equilibrium.
Vulnerable biomass at unfished equilibrium.
Time series of exploitation.
Time series of relative exploitation.
Time series of instantaneous fishing mortality.
Time series of fishing mortality relative to MSY.
Time series of biomass.
Time series of biomass relative to MSY.
Time series of depletion.
Time series of spawning stock biomass.
Time series of spawning stock biomass relative to MSY.
Time series of spawning stock depletion.
Time series of vulnerable biomass.
Time series of vulnerable biomass relative to MSY.
Time series of vulnerable biomass depletion.
Time series of recruitment.
Time series of population abundance.
Time series of numbers-at-age matrix.
Selectivity-at-age matrix.
Observed catch.
Observed index.
Observed catch-at-age matrix.
Predicted catch.
Predicted index.
Predicted catch-at-age matrix.
A vector of estimated deviation parameters.
A description of the deviation parameters, e.g. "log recruitment deviations".
Negative log-likelihood. A vector for the total likelihood, integrated across random effects if applicable, components,
and penalty term (applied when U > 0.975
in any year).
Standard error of UMSY estimate.
Standard error of FMSY estimate.
Standard error of MSY estimate.
Standard error of U/UMSY.
Standard error of F/FMSY.
Standard error of B/BMSY.
Standard error of B/B0.
Standard error of SSB/SSBMSY.
Standard error of SSB/SSB0.
Standard error of VB/VBMSY.
Standard error of VB/VB0.
A vector of standard errors of the deviation parameters.
A list containing the data and starting values of estimated parameters for the assessment.
A list containing components for forecasting:
A data frame of SPR (spawning potential ratio) and YPR (yield-per-recruit), calculated for
a range of exploitation rate of 0 - 0.99 or instantaneous F from 0 - 2.5 FMSY.
A function that calculates the catch for the next year (after the model terminal year) when an
apical F is provided.
A list with components returned from TMB::MakeADFun()
A list with components from calling stats::nlminb()
to obj
A list (class sdreport) with parameter estimates and their standard errors, obtained from
A list of model output reported from the TMB executable, i.e. obj$report()
, and derived quantities (e.g. MSY).
A character string of data types required for the assessment.
Q. Huynh
plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) class(output)
output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) class(output)
A catch and index-based assessment model. Compared to the discrete delay-difference (annual time-step in production and fishing), the delay-differential model (cDD) is based on continuous recruitment and fishing mortality within a time-step. The continuous model works much better for populations with high turnover (e.g. high F or M, continuous reproduction). This model is conditioned on catch and fits to the observed index. In the state-space version (cDD_SS), recruitment deviations from the stock-recruit relationship are estimated.
cDD( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 5L, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) cDD_SS( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_sigma = FALSE, fix_tau = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 5L, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... )
cDD( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 5L, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) cDD_SS( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_sigma = FALSE, fix_tau = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 5L, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
An index for the objects in |
Data |
An object of class MSEtool::Data. |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
MW |
Logical, whether to fit to mean weight. In closed-loop simulation, mean weight will be grabbed from |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
dep |
The initial depletion in the first year of the model. A tight prior is placed on the model objective function to estimate the equilibrium fishing mortality corresponding to the initial depletion. Due to this tight prior, this F should not be considered to be an independent model parameter. Set to zero to eliminate this prior. |
A named list of likelihood weights. For |
n_itF |
Integer, the number of iterations to solve F conditional on the observed catch. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of parameters regarding optimization to be passed to
... |
Additional arguments (not currently used). |
fix_sigma |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the index is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
For start
(optional), a named list of starting values of estimates can be provided for:
Unfished recruitment. Otherwise, Data@OM$R0[x]
is used in closed-loop, and 400% of mean catch otherwise.
Steepness. Otherwise, Data@steep[x]
is used, or 0.9 if empty.
Delay-differential Kappa parameter. Otherwise, calculated from biological parameters in the Data object.
Equilibrium fishing mortality leading into first year of the model (to determine initial depletion). By default, 0.
Lognormal SD of the recruitment deviations (process error) for DD_SS
. By default, Data@sigmaR[x]
Lognormal SD of the index (observation error). By default, Data@CV_Ind[x]
. Not
used if multiple indices are used.
Lognormal SD of the mean weight (observation error). By default, 0.1.
Multiple indices are supported in the model. Data@Ind, Data@VInd, and Data@SpInd are all assumed to be biomass-based. For Data@AddInd, Data@I_units are used to identify a biomass vs. abundance-based index.
An object of Assessment containing objects and output from TMB.
The following priors can be added as a named list, e.g., prior = list(M = c(0.25, 0.15), h = c(0.7, 0.1)
For each parameter below, provide a vector of values as described:
- A vector of length 3. The first value indicates the distribution of the prior: 1
for lognormal, 2
for uniform
on log(R0)
, 3
for uniform on R0. If lognormal, the second and third values are the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space).
Otherwise, the second and third values are the lower and upper bounds of the uniform distribution (values in normal space).
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean and SD, both in normal space. Beverton-Holt steepness uses a beta distribution,
while Ricker steepness uses a normal distribution.
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space). Lognormal prior.
- A matrix for nsurvey rows and 2 columns. The first column is the prior mean (in normal space) and the second column
for the SD (in log space). Use NA
in rows corresponding to indices without priors.
See online documentation for more details.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
: Cat, Ind, Mort, L50, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb, MaxAge
: Cat, Ind, Mort, L50, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb, MaxAge
: steep
: steep, CV_Ind, sigmaR
Q. Huynh
Hilborn, R., and Walters, C., 1992. Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment: Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty. Chapman and Hall, New York.
DD_TMB plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
#### Observation-error delay difference model res <- cDD(Data = MSEtool::Red_snapper) ### State-space version ### Also set recruitment variability SD = 0.6 (since fix_tau = TRUE) res <- cDD_SS(Data = MSEtool::Red_snapper, start = list(tau = 0.6)) summary(res@SD) # Parameter estimates
#### Observation-error delay difference model res <- cDD(Data = MSEtool::Red_snapper) ### State-space version ### Also set recruitment variability SD = 0.6 (since fix_tau = TRUE) res <- cDD_SS(Data = MSEtool::Red_snapper, start = list(tau = 0.6)) summary(res@SD) # Parameter estimates
Intended for conditioning operating models for MSEtool. For data-limited stocks, this function can generate a range of potential depletion scenarios inferred from sparse data.
From a historical time series of total catch or effort, and potentially age/length compositions and multiple indices of abundance, the RCM returns a range of values for depletion, selectivity,
unfished recruitment (R0), historical fishing effort, and recruitment deviations for the operating model. This is done by sampling life history parameters
provided by the user and fitting a statistical catch-at-age model (with the predicted catch equal to the observed catch).
Alternatively one can do a single model fit and sample the covariance matrix to generate an operating model with uncertainty based on the model fit.
Either a full catch (conditioned on catch) or effort (conditioned on effort) time series is needed but missing data (as NAs) are allowed for all other data types.
evaluates whether the inputs in the S4 RCMdata object are correctly formatted.
check_RCMdata(RCMdata, OM, condition = "catch", silent = FALSE) RCM(OM, data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,RCMdata' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,list' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), ESS = c(30, 30), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,Data' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), ESS = c(30, 30), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'list,RCMdata' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), prior = list(), max_F = 3, integrate = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... )
check_RCMdata(RCMdata, OM, condition = "catch", silent = FALSE) RCM(OM, data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,RCMdata' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,list' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), ESS = c(30, 30), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'OM,Data' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), ESS = c(30, 30), prior = list(), max_F = 3, cores = 1L, integrate = FALSE, mean_fit = FALSE, drop_nonconv = FALSE, drop_highF = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'list,RCMdata' RCM( OM, data, condition = "catch", selectivity = "logistic", s_selectivity = NULL, LWT = list(), comp_like = c("multinomial", "lognormal", "mvlogistic", "dirmult1", "dirmult2"), prior = list(), max_F = 3, integrate = FALSE, control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), start = list(), map = list(), silent = FALSE, ... )
RCMdata |
An RCMdata object. |
OM |
An object of class MSEtool::OM that specifies natural mortality (M), growth (Linf, K, t0, a, b), stock-recruitment relationship, steepness, maturity parameters (L50 and L50_95), and standard deviation of recruitment variability (Perr). Alternatively, provide a named list of biological inputs, see "StockPars" section below. |
condition |
String to indicate whether the RCM is conditioned on "catch" (where F are estimated parameters), "catch2" (where F is solved internally using Newton's method),
or "effort" (F is proportional to an index series in |
silent |
Logical to indicate whether informative messages will be reported to console. |
data |
Data inputs formatted in a RCMdata (preferred) or MSEtool::Data object. Use of a list is deprecated. See Data section below. |
... |
Other arguments to pass in for starting values of parameters and fixing parameters. See details. |
selectivity |
A character vector of length nfleet to indicate |
s_selectivity |
A vector of length nsurvey to indicate the selectivity of the corresponding columns in |
A named list of likelihood weights for the RCM. See below. |
comp_like |
A string indicating the statistical distribution for the composition data, either |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
max_F |
The maximum F for any fleet in the scoping model (higher F's in the model are penalized in the objective function). This argument will also update |
cores |
Integer for the number of CPU cores (set greater than 1 for parallel processing). |
integrate |
Logical, whether to treat recruitment deviations as penalized parameters in the likelihood (FALSE) or random effects to be marginalized out of the likelihood (TRUE). |
mean_fit |
Logical, whether to run an additional with mean values of life history parameters from the OM. |
drop_nonconv |
Logical, whether to drop non-converged fits of the RCM, including fits where F = NA. |
drop_highF |
Logical, whether to drop fits of the RCM where F = |
control |
A named list of arguments (e.g, max. iterations, etc.) for optimization, to be passed to the control argument of |
start |
A list of starting values for the TMB model. See details. |
map |
A list of |
A vector of length two. A shortcut method to setting the maximum multinomial sample size of the age and length compositions. Not used when data are provided in a RCMdata object. |
Fleet selectivity is fixed to values sampled from OM
if no age or length compositions are provided.
Survey selectivity is estimable only if IAA
or IAL
is provided. Otherwise, the selectivity should
be mirrored to a fleet (vulnerable biomass selectivity) or indexed to total or spawning biomass (see s_selectivity
Parameters that were used in the fitting model are placed in the RCM@OM@cpars
If the operating model OM
uses time-varying growth or M, then those trends will be used in the RCM as well.
Non-stationary productivity creates ambiguity in the calculation and interpretation of depletion and MSY reference points.
The easiest way to turn off time-varying growth/M is by setting: OM@Msd <- OM@Linfsd <- OM@Ksd <- c(0, 0)
To play with alternative fits by excluding indices, for example, or other optional data, set the corresponding likelihood weight to zero. The model will still generate the inferred index but the data won't enter the likelihood. See section on likelihood weights.
An object of class RCModel (see link for description of output).
returns a list of updated RCMdata object, OM, and StockPars and FleetPars from the Hist object generated
from the OM.
Several articles are available for RCM:
Setup of selectivity settings and index catchability (useful for more data-rich cases)
The following priors can be added as a named list, e.g., prior = list(M = c(0.25, 0.15), h = c(0.7, 0.1)
For each parameter below, provide a vector of values as described:
A vector of length 3. The first value indicates the distribution of the prior: 1
for lognormal, 2
for uniform
on log(R0)
, 3
for uniform on R0. If lognormal, the second and third values are the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space).
Otherwise, the second and third values are the lower and upper bounds of the uniform distribution (values in normal space).
A vector of length 2 for the prior mean and SD, both in normal space. Beverton-Holt steepness uses a beta distribution, while Ricker steepness uses a normal distribution.
A vector of length 2 for the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space). Lognormal prior.
A matrix for nsurvey rows and 2 columns. The first column is the prior mean (in normal space) and the second column
for the SD (in log space). Use NA
in rows corresponding to indices without priors.
See online documentation for more details.
One of indices, age compositions, or length compositions should be provided in addition to the historical catch or effort. Not all arguments are needed to run the model (some have defaults, while others are ignored if not applicable depending on the data provided).
The data
variable can be an object of class RCMdata. See help file for description of inputs.
Alternatively, the data
input can be a MSEtool::Data S4 object which will retrieve data from the following slots:
catch series (single fleet with the Data S4 object)
effort series
fishery age composition
, Data@CAL_mids
fishery length composition and corresponding length bins
, Data@SpInd
, Data@VInd
, Data@AddInd
indices of abundance
, Data@CV_SpInd
, Data@CV_VInd
, Data@CV_AddInd
annual coefficients of variation for the corresponding indices of abundance. CVs will be converted to lognormal standard deviations.
fishery mean lengths
, Data@AddIndType
, Data@AddIunits
Additional information for indices in Data@AddInd
selectivity and units (i.e., biomass or abundance).
There is no slot in the Data S4 object for the equilibrium catch/effort. These can be passed directly in the function call, i.e., RCM(OM, Data, C_eq = C_eq, ...)
Use of a list is deprecated. For backwards compatibility, here is the list of supported entries:
A vector of historical catch, should be of length OM@nyears. If there are multiple fleets: a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nfleet
Ideally, the first year of the catch series represents unfished conditions (see also C_eq
A vector or matrix of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the catches in Chist
If not provided, the default is 0.01. Only used if condition = "catch"
A vector of historical effort, should be of length OM@nyears
(see also E_eq
A vector of values of an index (of length OM@nyears
). If there are multiple indices: a matrix of historical indices of abundances, with rows
indexing years and columns indexing the index.
A vector or matrix of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the indices corresponding to the entries in Index
If not provided, this function will use values from OM@Iobs
Obsolete as of version 2.0. See s_selectivity
Fishery age composition matrix with nyears
rows and OM@maxage+1
columns. If multiple fleets: an array with dimension:
nyears, OM@maxage, and nfleet
Fishery length composition matrix with nyears rows and columns indexing the length bin. If multiple fleets:
an array with dimension: nyears, length bins, and nfleet
A vector of fishery mean size (MS, either mean length or mean weight) observations (length OM@nyears
or if multiple fleets: matrix of dimension: nyears, nfleet
Generally, mean lengths should not be used if CAL
is also provided, unless mean length and length comps are independently sampled.
A character (either "length"
(default) or "weight"
) to denote the type of mean size data.
The coefficient of variation of the observed mean size. If there are multiple fleets, a vector of length nfleet
Default is 0.2.
Survey age composition data, an array of dimension nyears, maxage+1, nsurvey
Survey length composition data, an array of dimension nyears, length(length_bin), nsurvey
A vector for the midpoints of the length bins for CAL
and s_CAL
. All bin widths should be equal in size.
A numeric vector of length nfleet
for the equilibrium catch for each fleet in Chist
prior to the first year of the operating model.
Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data. Alternatively,
if one has a full CAA matrix, one could instead estimate "artificial" rec devs to generate the initial numbers-at-age (and hence initial
depletion) in the first year of the model (see additional arguments).
A vector of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the equilibrium catches in C_eq
If not provided, the default is 0.01. Only used if condition = "catch"
The equilibrium effort for each fleet in Ehist
prior to the first year of the operating model.
Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data.
Optional, an integer vector to indicate which indices are in absolute magnitude. Use 1 to set q = 1
otherwise use 0 to estimate q.
Optional, an integer vector to indicate whether indices are biomass based (1) or abundance-based (0). By default, all are biomass-based.
Optional, a square matrix of maxage + 1 rows and columns to specify ageing error. The aa-th column assigns a proportion of the true age in the a-th row to observed age. Thus, all rows should sum to 1. Default is an identity matrix (no ageing error).
Optional, for time-varying fleet selectivity (in time blocks), a integer matrix of nyears
rows and nfleet
to assigns a selectivity function to a fleet for certain years.
When an operating model is provided, the RCM function will generally fit to each simulation of biological parameters.
Alternatively for a single fit to data independent of any operating model, provide a named list containing the following (naming conventions follow internal operating model variables):
Integer, stock-recruit function (1 = Beverton-Holt, 2 = Ricker, 3 = Mesnil-Rochet hockey stick)
Numeric, starting value for unfished recruitment parameter
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears]
for natural mortality
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears + 1]
for length at age
Numeric. Asymptotic length. Only used for the upper bound for the size of full selectivity (if selectivity functions are length-based)
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears + 1]
for the standard deviation in length at age
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears + 1]
for stock weight at age
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears + 1]
for maturity at age
Matrix [maxage+1, nyears + 1]
for fecundity at age. Frequently the product of maturity and weight at age
Numeric, age of 50 percent maturity. Used to average the initial years for the unfished replacement line of the
stock recruit relationship and steepness/R0. Irrelevant if fecundity and natural mortality are not time-varying (set to 1).
Numeric, fraction of the year when spawning occurs
Numeric, steepness of the stock recruit relationship
Numeric, lognormal recruitment deviation standard deviation
, additional arguments can be passed to the model via ...
Logical for whether the maximum age is a plusgroup or not. By default, TRUE.
Logical for whether the dome selectivity parameter for fleets is fixed. Used primarily for backwards compatibility,
this is overridden by the map
Logical, whether the OM conditioning parameters (recruitment, fishing mortality, SSB, selectivity, etc.) are obtained by sampling the Hessian matrix from a single model fit. By default FALSE. This feature requires identical biological parameters among simulations.
Vector of length nyears. Proportion of the bias correction to apply annually to the recruitment deviations (if estimated).
The bias correction from logspace to normal space is exp(log_rec_dev[y] - 0.5 * pbc_recdev[y] * sigmaR^2)
. Default proportion is 1.
Vector of length maxage. Proportion of the bias correction to apply to the abundance deviations in the first year of the model (if estimated).
The bias correction from logspace to normal space is exp(log_early_rec_dev[a] - 0.5 * pbc_recdev[a] * sigmaR^2)
. Default proportion is 1.
Starting values can be specified in a named list for the following:
A matrix of 3 rows and nfleet columns for starting values for fleet selectivity. The three rows correspond
to LFS (length of full selectivity), L5 (length of 5 percent selectivity), and Vmaxlen (selectivity at length Linf). By default,
the starting values are values from the OM object. If any selectivity = "free"
, then this matrix needs to be of maxage+1
rows where
the row specifies the selectivity at age. See Articles section.
A matrix of 3 rows and nsurvey columns for starting values for fleet selectivity. Same setup as vul_par
. Values in the column are ignored
if s_selectivity
is mapped to a fishing fleet (add NA placeholders in that case).
If any s_selectivity = "free"
, then this matrix needs to be of maxage+1
rows where
the row specifies the selectivity at age.
A numeric vector of length nyears
for the starting values of the log-recruitment deviations.
A numeric vector of length OM@maxage
for the starting values of the recruitment deviations controlling the abundance-at-age in the first year of the model.
A numeric vector of length nsurvey for index catchability. See online article for more information.
Parameters can be fixed with the map argument (also a named list, corresponding to the start list). Each
vector or matrix in the map argument will be the same dimension as in the start entry. If an entry is NA
, the corresponding parameter is fixed in the model to the starting
value. Otherwise, an integer for each independent parameter, i.e., shared or mirrored parameters get the same integer entry.
An integer matrix of the same dimension as start$vul_par
. By default, selectivity is fixed if there are no age or length composition for that fleet
or survey, otherwise estimated. Unused cells in the start$vul_par
matrix should be given NA in the map matrix.
The map argument for the survey selectivity parameters (same dimension as start$ivul_par
). Placeholder parameters should have a map value of NA.
A vector of length OM@maxage
that indexes which recruitment deviates for the cohorts in the first year of the model are fixed (using NA) or estimated (a separate integer).
By default, no deviates are estimated (all are NA).
A vector of length OM@nyears
that indexes which recruitment deviates are fixed (using NA) or estimated (a separate integer).
By default, all these deviates are estimated.
A vector of length nsurvey
for index catchability. q should be an estimated parameter when sharing across surveys (perhaps with differing selectivity). Otherwise, it is solved analytically
where individual parameters are independent of other indices. Use RCMdata@abs_I
for fixing the catchability to 1. See online article for more information.
is an optional named list containing the likelihood weights (values >= 0) with the possible options:
Chist, CAA, CAL, MS, C_eq
: A vector of length nfleet for each.
Index, IAA, IAL
: A vector of length nsurvey for each.
By default, all likelihood weights are equal to one if not specified by the user.
Annual multinomial sample sizes for the age and length comps can now be provided directly in the
RCMdata object. For a list or MSEtool::Data object, use the ESS
Q. Huynh
Thorson et al. 2017. Model-based estimates of effective sample size in stock assessment models using the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution. Fish. Res. 192:84-93. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.06.005
plot.RCModel RCModel compare_RCM pcod RCM2MOM posterior
# An example that conditions a Pacific cod operating model. There are 48 simulations, # where values of natural mortality and steepness are sampled from distributions. # The model is fitted with priors on the index catchability. Maturity and selectivity # are knife-edge at the age of 2 years. See online tutorial for more information. data(pcod) mat_ogive <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] out <- RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive, length(mat_ogive), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) plot(out, s_name = colnames(pcod$data@Index)) # Alternative OM with age-3 maturity and selectivity instead. out_age3 <- local({ pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[, 2, ] <- 0 mat_ogive_age3 <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive_age3, length(mat_ogive_age3), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive_age3), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) }) compare_RCM(out, out_age3, scenario = list(names = c("Age-2 maturity", "Age-3 maturity")), s_name = colnames(pcod$data@Index)) Hist <- runMSE(out@OM, Hist = TRUE)
# An example that conditions a Pacific cod operating model. There are 48 simulations, # where values of natural mortality and steepness are sampled from distributions. # The model is fitted with priors on the index catchability. Maturity and selectivity # are knife-edge at the age of 2 years. See online tutorial for more information. data(pcod) mat_ogive <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] out <- RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive, length(mat_ogive), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) plot(out, s_name = colnames(pcod$data@Index)) # Alternative OM with age-3 maturity and selectivity instead. out_age3 <- local({ pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[, 2, ] <- 0 mat_ogive_age3 <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive_age3, length(mat_ogive_age3), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive_age3), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) }) compare_RCM(out, out_age3, scenario = list(names = c("Age-2 maturity", "Age-3 maturity")), s_name = colnames(pcod$data@Index)) Hist <- runMSE(out@OM, Hist = TRUE)
Plot biomass, recruitment, and fishing mortality time series from several . This function can be used to compare outputs among different assessment models from the same Data object.
compare_models(..., label = NULL, color = NULL)
compare_models(..., label = NULL, color = NULL)
... |
Objects of class Assessment. |
label |
A character vector of the models for the legend. |
color |
A vector of colors for each assessment model. |
A set of figures of biomass, recruitment, and fishing mortality estimates among the models.
Q. Huynh
res <- cDD_SS(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res2 <- SCA(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res3 <- SP(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) compare_models(res, res2, res3)
res <- cDD_SS(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res2 <- SCA(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res3 <- SP(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) compare_models(res, res2, res3)
A simple delay-difference assessment model using a
time-series of catches and a relative abundance index and coded in TMB. The model
can be conditioned on either (1) effort and estimates predicted catch or (2) catch and estimates a predicted index.
In the state-space version DD_SS
, recruitment deviations from the stock-recruit relationship are estimated.
DD_TMB( x = 1, Data, condition = c("catch", "effort"), AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 3L, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) DD_SS( x = 1, Data, condition = c("catch", "effort"), AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_sd = FALSE, fix_tau = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 3L, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... )
DD_TMB( x = 1, Data, condition = c("catch", "effort"), AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 3L, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) DD_SS( x = 1, Data, condition = c("catch", "effort"), AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", MW = FALSE, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_sd = FALSE, fix_tau = TRUE, dep = 1, LWT = list(), n_itF = 3L, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
An index for the objects in |
Data |
An object of class MSEtool::Data. |
condition |
A string to indicate whether to condition the model on catch or effort (ratio of catch and index). |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
MW |
Logical, whether to fit to mean weight. In closed-loop simulation, mean weight will be grabbed from |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
dep |
The initial depletion in the first year of the model. A tight prior is placed on the model objective function to estimate the equilibrium fishing mortality rate that corresponds to the initial depletion. Due to this tight prior, this F should not be considered to be an independent model parameter. Set to zero to eliminate this prior. |
A named list of likelihood weights. For |
n_itF |
Integer, the number of iterations to solve F within an annual time step when conditioning on catch. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of parameters regarding optimization to be passed to
... |
Additional arguments (not currently used). |
fix_sd |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the data in the likelihood (index for conditioning on catch or
catch for conditioning on effort). If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a random effects/state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
For start
(optional), a named list of starting values of estimates can be provided for:
Unfished recruitment. Otherwise, Data@OM$R0[x]
is used in closed-loop, and 400% of mean catch otherwise.
Steepness. Otherwise, Data@steep[x]
is used, or 0.9 if empty.
Natural mortality. Otherwise, Data@Mort[x]
is used.
Age of knife-edge maturity. By default, the age of 50% maturity calculated from the slots in the Data object.
Delay-difference rho parameter. Otherwise, calculated from biological parameters in the Data object.
Delay-difference alpha parameter. Otherwise, calculated from biological parameters in the Data object.
Scalar coefficient when conditioning on effort (to scale to F). Otherwise, 1 is the default.
Equilibrium fishing mortality rate leading into first year of the model (to determine initial depletion). By default, 0.
Lognormal SD of the catch (observation error) when conditioning on effort. By default, Data@CV_Cat[x]
Lognormal SD of the recruitment deviations (process error) for DD_SS
. By default, Data@sigmaR[x]
Lognormal SD of the index (observation error) when conditioning on catch. By default, Data@CV_Ind[x]
. Not
used if multiple indices are used.
Lognormal SD of the mean weight (observation error). By default, 0.1.
Multiple indices are supported in the model. Data@Ind, Data@VInd, and Data@SpInd are all assumed to be biomass-based. For Data@AddInd, Data@I_units are used to identify a biomass vs. abundance-based index.
Similar to many other assessment models, the model depends on assumptions such as stationary productivity and proportionality between the abundance index and real abundance. Unsurprisingly the extent to which these assumptions are violated tends to be the biggest driver of performance for this method.
An object of Assessment containing objects and output from TMB.
The following priors can be added as a named list, e.g., prior = list(M = c(0.25, 0.15), h = c(0.7, 0.1)
For each parameter below, provide a vector of values as described:
- A vector of length 3. The first value indicates the distribution of the prior: 1
for lognormal, 2
for uniform
on log(R0)
, 3
for uniform on R0. If lognormal, the second and third values are the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space).
Otherwise, the second and third values are the lower and upper bounds of the uniform distribution (values in normal space).
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean and SD, both in normal space. Beverton-Holt steepness uses a beta distribution,
while Ricker steepness uses a normal distribution.
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space). Lognormal prior.
- A matrix for nsurvey rows and 2 columns. The first column is the prior mean (in normal space) and the second column
for the SD (in log space). Use NA
in rows corresponding to indices without priors.
See online documentation for more details.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
: Cat, Ind, Mort, L50, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb, MaxAge
: Cat, Ind, Mort, L50, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb, MaxAge
: steep
: steep, CV_Cat
T. Carruthers & Z. Siders. Zach Siders coded the TMB function.
Carruthers, T, Walters, C.J,, and McAllister, M.K. 2012. Evaluating methods that classify fisheries stock status using only fisheries catch data. Fisheries Research 119-120:66-79.
Hilborn, R., and Walters, C., 1992. Quantitative Fisheries Stock Assessment: Choice, Dynamics and Uncertainty. Chapman and Hall, New York.
plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
#### Observation-error delay difference model res <- DD_TMB(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Provide starting values start <- list(h = 0.95) res <- DD_TMB(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = start) summary(res@SD) # Parameter estimates ### State-space version ### Set recruitment variability SD = 0.3 (since fix_tau = TRUE) res <- DD_SS(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(tau = 0.3))
#### Observation-error delay difference model res <- DD_TMB(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Provide starting values start <- list(h = 0.95) res <- DD_TMB(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = start) summary(res@SD) # Parameter estimates ### State-space version ### Set recruitment variability SD = 0.3 (since fix_tau = TRUE) res <- DD_SS(x = 3, Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(tau = 0.3))
Diagnostic check for convergence of Assess models during closed-loop simulation. Use when the MP was
created with make_MP with argument diagnostic = "min"
or "full"
This function summarizes and plots the diagnostic information.
diagnostic(MSE, MP, gradient_threshold = 0.1, figure = TRUE) diagnostic_AM(...)
diagnostic(MSE, MP, gradient_threshold = 0.1, figure = TRUE) diagnostic_AM(...)
An object of class MSE created by |
MP |
Optional, a character vector of MPs that use assessment models. |
gradient_threshold |
The maximum magnitude (absolute value) desired for the gradient of the likelihood. |
figure |
Logical, whether a figure will be drawn. |
... |
Arguments to pass to |
A matrix with diagnostic performance of assessment models in the MSE. If figure = TRUE
a set of figures: traffic light (red/green) plots indicating whether the model converged (defined if a positive-definite
Hessian matrix was obtained), the optimizer reached pre-specified iteration limits (as passed to stats::nlminb()
and the maximum gradient of the likelihood in each assessment run. Also includes the number of optimization iterations
function evaluations reported by stats::nlminb()
for each application of the assessment model.
Q. Huynh
OM <- MSEtool::testOM; OM@proyears <- 20 myMSE <- runMSE(OM, MPs = "SCA_4010") diagnostic(myMSE) # How to get all the reporting library(dplyr) conv_statistics <- lapply(1:myMSE@nMPs, function(m) { lapply(1:myMSE@nsim, function(x) { myMSE@PPD[[m]]@Misc[[x]]$diagnostic %>% mutate(MP = myMSE@MPs[m], Simulation = x) }) %>% bind_rows() }) %>% bind_rows()
OM <- MSEtool::testOM; OM@proyears <- 20 myMSE <- runMSE(OM, MPs = "SCA_4010") diagnostic(myMSE) # How to get all the reporting library(dplyr) conv_statistics <- lapply(1:myMSE@nMPs, function(m) { lapply(1:myMSE@nsim, function(x) { myMSE@PPD[[m]]@Misc[[x]]$diagnostic %>% mutate(MP = myMSE@MPs[m], Simulation = x) }) %>% bind_rows() }) %>% bind_rows()
Characterize posterior predictive data
getinds( PPD, styr, res = 6, tsd = c("Cat", "Cat", "Cat", "Ind", "ML"), stat = c("slp", "AAV", "mu", "slp", "slp") )
getinds( PPD, styr, res = 6, tsd = c("Cat", "Cat", "Cat", "Ind", "ML"), stat = c("slp", "AAV", "mu", "slp", "slp") )
An object of class Data stored in the Misc slot of an MSE object following a call of |
styr |
Positive integer, the starting year for calculation of quantities |
res |
Positive integer, the temporal resolution (chunks - normally years) over which to calculate quantities |
tsd |
Character vector of names of types of data: Cat = catch, Ind = relative abundance index, ML = mean length in catches |
stat |
Character vector of types of quantity to be calculated: slp = slope(log(x)), AAV = average annual variability, mu = mean(log(x)) |
A 3D array of results (type of data/stat (e.g. mean catches),time period (chunk), simulation)
T. Carruthers
Carruthers and Hordyk 2018
A simple control rule that allows fishing when the operational control point (OCP) is above some threshold. By default, this function sets the TAC at F = 100% FMSY when spawning depletion > 0.1.
HCR_escapement( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", OCP_threshold = 0.2, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", relF_max = 1, ... )
HCR_escapement( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", OCP_threshold = 0.2, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", relF_max = 1, ... )
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment with estimates of FMSY or UMSY and vulnerable biomass in terminal year. |
reps |
The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation. |
OCP_type |
The type of operational control points (OCPs) for the harvest control rule used to determine
whether there is fishing. By default, use ( |
OCP_threshold |
The value of the OCP above which fishing can occur. |
Ftarget_type |
The type of F used for the target fishing mortality rate. |
relF_max |
The relative value of Ftarget if |
... |
Miscellaneous arguments. |
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
Q. Huynh
Deroba, J.J. and Bence, J.R. 2008. A review of harvest policies: Understanding relative performance of control rules. Fisheries Research 94:210-223.
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at FMSY when B/B0 > 0.2) SP_escapement <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement) # The MP which fishes at 75% of FMSY SP_escapement75 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement, relF_max = 0.75) # The MP which fishes at FMSY when BMSY > 0.5 SP_BMSY_escapement <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", OCP_threshold = 0.5, relF_max = 1) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SP_escapement", "SP_BMSY_escapement"))
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at FMSY when B/B0 > 0.2) SP_escapement <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement) # The MP which fishes at 75% of FMSY SP_escapement75 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement, relF_max = 0.75) # The MP which fishes at FMSY when BMSY > 0.5 SP_BMSY_escapement <- make_MP(SP, HCR_escapement, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", OCP_threshold = 0.5, relF_max = 1) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SP_escapement", "SP_BMSY_escapement"))
A Harvest Control Rule using B/BMSY and F/FMSY to adjust TAC or TAE.
HCR_FB(Brel, Frel, Bpow = 2, Bgrad = 1, Fpow = 1, Fgrad = 1)
HCR_FB(Brel, Frel, Bpow = 2, Bgrad = 1, Fpow = 1, Fgrad = 1)
Brel |
improper fraction: an estimate of Biomass relative to BMSY |
Frel |
improper fraction: an estimate of Fishing mortality rate relative to FMSY |
Bpow |
non-negative real number: controls the shape of the biomass adjustment, when zero there is no adjustment |
Bgrad |
non-negative real number: controls the gradient of the biomass adjustment |
Fpow |
non-negative real number: controls the adjustment speed relative to F/FMSY. When set to 1, next recommendation is FMSY. When less than 1 next recommendation is between current F and FMSY. |
Fgrad |
improper fraction: target Fishing rate relative to FMSY |
a TAC or TAE adjustment factor.
T. Carruthers
Made up for this package
res <- 100 Frel <- seq(1/2, 2, length.out = res) Brel <- seq(0.05, 2, length.out=res) adj <- array(HCR_FB(Brel[rep(1:res, res)], Frel[rep(1:res, each = res)], Bpow = 2, Bgrad = 1, Fpow = 1, Fgrad = 0.75), c(res, res)) contour(Brel, Frel, adj, nlevels = 20, xlab = "B/BMSY", ylab = "F/FMSY", main = "FBsurface TAC adjustment factor") abline(h = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2) abline(v = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2) legend('topright', c("Bpow = 2", "Bgrad = 1", "Fpow = 1", "Fgrad = 0.75"), text.col = 'blue')
res <- 100 Frel <- seq(1/2, 2, length.out = res) Brel <- seq(0.05, 2, length.out=res) adj <- array(HCR_FB(Brel[rep(1:res, res)], Frel[rep(1:res, each = res)], Bpow = 2, Bgrad = 1, Fpow = 1, Fgrad = 0.75), c(res, res)) contour(Brel, Frel, adj, nlevels = 20, xlab = "B/BMSY", ylab = "F/FMSY", main = "FBsurface TAC adjustment factor") abline(h = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2) abline(v = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2) legend('topright', c("Bpow = 2", "Bgrad = 1", "Fpow = 1", "Fgrad = 0.75"), text.col = 'blue')
A simple control rule that explicitly specifies the target apical F independent of any model.
HCR_fixedF(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget = 0.1)
HCR_fixedF(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget = 0.1)
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment with estimates of next year's abundance or biomass. |
reps |
The number of replicates of the TAC recommendation (not used). |
Ftarget |
The value of F. |
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
Q. Huynh
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at F = 0.2) F0.2 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_fixedF, Ftarget = 0.2) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "F0.2"))
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at F = 0.2) F0.2 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_fixedF, Ftarget = 0.2) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "F0.2"))
A simple control rule that specifies the total allowable catch (TAC) as a function of the abundance of the first projection year and some fraction of FMSY/UMSY.
HCR_MSY(Assessment, reps = 1, MSY_frac = 1, ...)
HCR_MSY(Assessment, reps = 1, MSY_frac = 1, ...)
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment with estimates of FMSY or UMSY and vulnerable biomass in terminal year. |
reps |
The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation. |
MSY_frac |
The fraction of FMSY or UMSY for calculating the TAC (e.g. MSY_frac = 0.75 fishes at 75% of FMSY). |
... |
Miscellaneous arguments. |
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
Q. Huynh
Punt, A. E, Dorn, M. W., and Haltuch, M. A. 2008. Evaluation of threshold management strategies for groundfish off the U.S. West Coast. Fisheries Research 94:251-266.
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at UMSY) SPMSY <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY) # The MP which fishes at 75% of FMSY SP75MSY <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY, MSY_frac = 0.75) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SPMSY", "SP75MSY"))
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at UMSY) SPMSY <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY) # The MP which fishes at 75% of FMSY SP75MSY <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY, MSY_frac = 0.75) myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SPMSY", "SP75MSY"))
An output control rule with a ramp that reduces the target F (used for the TAC recommendation) linearly as a function of an operational control point (OCP) such as spawning depletion or spawning biomass. The reduction in F is linear when the OCP is between the target OCP (TOCP) and the limit OCP (LOCP). The target F is maximized at or above the TOCP. Below the LOCP, the target F is minimized. For example, the TOCP and LOCP for 40% and 10% spawning depletion, respectively, in the 40-10 control rule. Ftarget is FMSY above the TOCP and zero below the LOCP. This type of control rule can generalized with more control points (>2) in HCR_segment. Class HCR objects are typically used with function make_MP.
HCR_ramp( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = c("SSB_SSB0", "SSB_SSBMSY", "SSB_dSSB0", "F_FMSY", "F_F01", "F_FSPR"), Ftarget_type = c("FMSY", "F01", "Fmax", "FSPR", "abs"), LOCP = 0.1, TOCP = 0.4, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 1, SPR_OCP = 0.4, SPR_targ = 0.4, ... ) HCR40_10(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...) HCR60_20(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...) HCR80_40MSY(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...)
HCR_ramp( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = c("SSB_SSB0", "SSB_SSBMSY", "SSB_dSSB0", "F_FMSY", "F_F01", "F_FSPR"), Ftarget_type = c("FMSY", "F01", "Fmax", "FSPR", "abs"), LOCP = 0.1, TOCP = 0.4, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 1, SPR_OCP = 0.4, SPR_targ = 0.4, ... ) HCR40_10(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...) HCR60_20(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...) HCR80_40MSY(Assessment, reps = 1, Ftarget_type = "FMSY", SPR_targ = 0.4, ...)
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment with estimates of FMSY or UMSY, vulnerable biomass, and spawning biomass depletion in terminal year. |
reps |
The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation. |
OCP_type |
The type of operational control points (OCPs) for the harvest control rule used to determine the reduction in F. See below. |
Ftarget_type |
The type of F used for the target fishing mortality rate. See below. |
Numeric, the limit value for the OCP in the HCR. |
Numeric, the target value for the OCP in the HCR. |
relF_min |
The relative value of Ftarget (i.e., as a proportion) if |
relF_max |
The relative value of Ftarget if |
The value of spawning potential ratio for the OCP if |
SPR_targ |
The target value of spawning potential ratio if |
... |
Miscellaneous arguments. |
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
Operational control points (OCP_type)
The following are the available options for harvest control rule inputs, and the source of those values in the Assessment object:
Default "SSB_SSB0"
: Spawning depletion. Uses the last value in Assessment@SSB_SSB0
: Spawning biomass relative to MSY. Uses the last value in Assessment@SSB_SSBMSY
: Dynamic depletion (SSB relative to the historical reconstructed biomass with F = 0). Uses the last value in
: Fishing mortality relative to MSY. Uses the last value in Assessment@F_FMSY
: Fishing mortality relative to F_0.1 (yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_SPR% (the F that produces the spawning potential ratio specified in
, calculated from the data frame in Assessment@forecast[["per_recruit"]]
Fishing mortality target (Ftarget_type)
The type of F for which the corresponding catch is calculated in the HCR is specified here. The source of those values in the Assessment object is specified:
Default "FMSY"
: Fishing mortality relative to MSY. Uses the value in Assessment@FMSY
: Fishing mortality relative to F_0.1 (yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_max (maximizing yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_SPR% (the F that produces the spawning potential ratio specified in
, calculated from data frame in Assessment@forecast[["per_recruit"]]
: Fishing mortality is independent of any model output and is explicitly specified in relF
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
: Generic ramped-HCR function where user specifies OCP and corresponding limit and target
points, as well as minimum and maximum relative F target.
: Common U.S. west coast control rule (LOCP and TOCP of 0.1 and 0.4 spawning depletion,
: More conservative than HCR40_10
, with LOCP and TOCP of 0.2 and 0.6
spawning depletion, respectively).
: 0.8 and 0.4 SSBMSY as the LOCP and TOCP, respectively.
Q. Huynh & T. Carruthers
Deroba, J.J. and Bence, J.R. 2008. A review of harvest policies: Understanding relative performance of control rules. Fisheries Research 94:210-223.
Edwards, C.T.T. and Dankel, D.J. (eds.). 2016. Management Science in Fisheries: an introduction to simulation methods. Routledge, New York, NY. 460 pp.
Punt, A. E, Dorn, M. W., and Haltuch, M. A. 2008. Evaluation of threshold management strategies for groundfish off the U.S. West Coast. Fisheries Research 94:251-266.
Restrepo, V.R. and Power, J.E. 1999. Precautionary control rules in US fisheries management: specification and performance. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:846-852.
HCR_segment HCR_MSY HCRlin make_MP
# 40-10 linear ramp Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = expression("Operational control point: Estimated"~SSB/SSB[0]), ylab = expression(F[target]~~": proportion of"~~F[MSY]), main = "40-10 harvest control rule", type = "l") abline(v = c(0.1, 0.4), col = "red", lty = 2) # create a 40-10 MP to run in closed-loop MSE DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR40_10) # Alternatively, DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", LOCP = 0.1, TOCP = 0.4) # An SCA with LOCP and TOCP at 0.4 and 0.8, respectively, of SSB/SSBMSY SCA_80_40 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8) # A conservative HCR that fishes at 75% of FMSY at B > 80% BMSY but only reduces F # to 10% of FMSY if B < 40% BMSY. SCA_conservative <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8, relF_min = 0.1, relF_max = 0.75) # Figure of this conservative HCR Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) Frel <- HCRlin(Brel, 0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.75) plot(Brel, Frel, xlab = expression("Operational control point: Estimated"~SSB/SSB[MSY]), ylab = expression(F[target]~":"~~F/F[MSY]), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l") abline(v = c(0.4, 0.8), col = "red", lty = 2) # A harvest control rule as a function of BMSY, with F independent of model output, # i.e., specify F in relF argument (here maximum F of 0.1) SCA_80_40 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 0.1)
# 40-10 linear ramp Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = expression("Operational control point: Estimated"~SSB/SSB[0]), ylab = expression(F[target]~~": proportion of"~~F[MSY]), main = "40-10 harvest control rule", type = "l") abline(v = c(0.1, 0.4), col = "red", lty = 2) # create a 40-10 MP to run in closed-loop MSE DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR40_10) # Alternatively, DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", LOCP = 0.1, TOCP = 0.4) # An SCA with LOCP and TOCP at 0.4 and 0.8, respectively, of SSB/SSBMSY SCA_80_40 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8) # A conservative HCR that fishes at 75% of FMSY at B > 80% BMSY but only reduces F # to 10% of FMSY if B < 40% BMSY. SCA_conservative <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8, relF_min = 0.1, relF_max = 0.75) # Figure of this conservative HCR Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) Frel <- HCRlin(Brel, 0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.75) plot(Brel, Frel, xlab = expression("Operational control point: Estimated"~SSB/SSB[MSY]), ylab = expression(F[target]~":"~~F/F[MSY]), ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l") abline(v = c(0.4, 0.8), col = "red", lty = 2) # A harvest control rule as a function of BMSY, with F independent of model output, # i.e., specify F in relF argument (here maximum F of 0.1) SCA_80_40 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", LOCP = 0.4, TOCP = 0.8, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 0.1)
A linear segmented output control rule where the target F (used for the TAC recommendation)
is a function of an operational control point (OCP) such as spawning depletion or spawning biomass.
The segments of the HCR are specified by arguments OCP
and relF
. Beyond the range of OCP
, the response will be flat.
HCR_ramp uses HCR_segment
with two control points.
HCR_segment( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = c("SSB_SSB0", "SSB_SSBMSY", "SSB_dSSB0", "F_FMSY", "F_F01", "F_FSPR"), Ftarget_type = c("FMSY", "F01", "Fmax", "FSPR", "abs"), OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 1), SPR_OCP, SPR_targ, ... )
HCR_segment( Assessment, reps = 1, OCP_type = c("SSB_SSB0", "SSB_SSBMSY", "SSB_dSSB0", "F_FMSY", "F_F01", "F_FSPR"), Ftarget_type = c("FMSY", "F01", "Fmax", "FSPR", "abs"), OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 1), SPR_OCP, SPR_targ, ... )
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment with estimates of FMSY or UMSY, vulnerable biomass, and spawning biomass depletion in terminal year. |
reps |
The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation. |
OCP_type |
The type of operational control points (OCPs) for the harvest control rule used to determine the reduction in F. See below. |
Ftarget_type |
The type of F used for the target fishing mortality rate. See below. |
Numeric vector of operational control points for the HCR (in increasing order). |
relF |
Numeric vector of Ftarget corresponding to the values in |
The value of spawning potential ratio for the OCP if |
SPR_targ |
The target value of spawning potential ratio if |
... |
Miscellaneous arguments. |
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
Operational control points (OCP_type)
The following are the available options for harvest control rule inputs, and the source of those values in the Assessment object:
Default "SSB_SSB0"
: Spawning depletion. Uses the last value in Assessment@SSB_SSB0
: Spawning biomass relative to MSY. Uses the last value in Assessment@SSB_SSBMSY
: Dynamic depletion (SSB relative to the historical reconstructed biomass with F = 0). Uses the last value in
: Fishing mortality relative to MSY. Uses the last value in Assessment@F_FMSY
: Fishing mortality relative to F_0.1 (yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_SPR% (the F that produces the spawning potential ratio specified in
, calculated from the data frame in Assessment@forecast[["per_recruit"]]
Fishing mortality target (Ftarget_type)
The type of F for which the corresponding catch is calculated in the HCR is specified here. The source of those values in the Assessment object is specified:
Default "FMSY"
: Fishing mortality relative to MSY. Uses the value in Assessment@FMSY
: Fishing mortality relative to F_0.1 (yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_max (maximizing yield per recruit), calculated from the data frame in
: Fishing mortality relative to F_SPR% (the F that produces the spawning potential ratio specified in
, calculated from data frame in Assessment@forecast[["per_recruit"]]
: Fishing mortality is independent of any model output and is explicitly specified in relF
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
Q. Huynh
# This is an MP with a 40-10 harvest control rule (using FMSY) DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_segment, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 1)) #' # This is an MP with a 40-10 harvest control rule with a maximum F of 0.1 DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_segment, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", Ftarget_type = "abs", OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 0.1))
# This is an MP with a 40-10 harvest control rule (using FMSY) DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_segment, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 1)) #' # This is an MP with a 40-10 harvest control rule with a maximum F of 0.1 DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_segment, OCP_type = "SSB_SSB0", Ftarget_type = "abs", OCP = c(0.1, 0.4), relF = c(0, 0.1))
A general function used by HCR_ramp that adjusts the output (e.g., F) by a linear ramp based on the value of the OCP relative to target and limit values.
HCRlin(OCP_val, LOCP, TOCP, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 1)
HCRlin(OCP_val, LOCP, TOCP, relF_min = 0, relF_max = 1)
OCP_val |
The value of the operational control point (OCP). |
Numeric, the limit value for the OCP in the HCR. |
Numeric, the target value for the OCP in the HCR. |
relF_min |
The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if |
relF_max |
The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if |
Numeric adjustment factor.
T. Carruthers
#40-10 linear ramp Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = "Estimated B/B0", ylab = "Relative change in F", main = "A 40-10 harvest control rule", type = 'l', col = 'blue') abline(v = c(0.1,0.4), col = 'red', lty = 2)
#40-10 linear ramp Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200) plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = "Estimated B/B0", ylab = "Relative change in F", main = "A 40-10 harvest control rule", type = 'l', col = 'blue') abline(v = c(0.1,0.4), col = 'red', lty = 2)
Plot statistical power of the indicator with increasing time blocks
mahplot(outlist, res = 6, maxups = 5, MPs)
mahplot(outlist, res = 6, maxups = 5, MPs)
outlist |
A list object produced by the function PRBcalc |
res |
Integer, the resolution (time blocking) for the calculation of PPD |
maxups |
Integer, the maximum number of update time blocks to plot |
MPs |
Character vector of MP names |
Density plots of Mahalanobis distance.
T. Carruthers
Carruthers and Hordyk 2018
Function operator that creates a management procedure (MP) by combining an assessment model (function of class Assess
) with
a harvest control rule (function of class HCR
). The resulting function can then be tested in closed-loop simulation via
Use make_MP
to specify constant TAC between assessments; the frequency of
assessments is specified in OM@interval
Use make_projection_MP
to set catches according to a schedule set by projections,
specify assessment frequency in argument assessment_interval
and ensure that OM@interval <- 1
Use make_interim_MP
to use an interim procedure to adjust the TAC between
assessments using an index (Huynh et al. 2020), with the frequency of assessments specified in argument assessment_interval
making the MP; ensure that OM@interval <- 1
make_interim_MP( .Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", AddInd = "VB", assessment_interval = 5, type = c("buffer", "mean", "loess", "none"), type_par = NULL, diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ... ) make_projection_MP( .Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", assessment_interval = 5, Ftarget = expression(Assessment@FMSY), proj_args = list(process_error = 1, p_sim = 1), diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ... ) make_MP(.Assess, .HCR, diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ...)
make_interim_MP( .Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", AddInd = "VB", assessment_interval = 5, type = c("buffer", "mean", "loess", "none"), type_par = NULL, diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ... ) make_projection_MP( .Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", assessment_interval = 5, Ftarget = expression(Assessment@FMSY), proj_args = list(process_error = 1, p_sim = 1), diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ... ) make_MP(.Assess, .HCR, diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ...)
.Assess |
Assessment model, a function of class |
.HCR |
Harvest control rule, a function of class |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the assessment model.
Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind,
"VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. For the interim
procedure, the function will use the first index in |
assessment_interval |
The time interval for when the assessment model is applied (number of years). In all other years, the interim procedure is applied. |
type |
How the index is used to calculate the TAC in the interim procedure. See details. |
type_par |
A control parameter for the interim procedure. See details. |
diagnostic |
A character string describing if any additional diagnostic information from the
assessment models will be collected during the closed-loop simulation. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
Ftarget |
An expression that the MP will evaluate to identify the F used in the projection. See projection and example. |
proj_args |
Additional arguments for projection. |
creates an MP that runs the interim procedure (updating the TAC according to index observations in between periodic
assessment intervals. Always ensure to set: OM@interval <- 1
. The assessment frequency is specified in argument
In the year when the assessment is applied, the TAC is set by fitting the model and then running the harvest control rule. Between assessments, the TAC is updated as
where Cref
is the TAC calculated from the most recent assessment, Iref
is the value of the index when Cref
was calculated
(see Equations 6 and 7 of Huynh et al. 2020). The value of I_y
depends on type
, with b
and s
equal zero unless
type = "buffer"
- I_y
is the most recent index with b
is specifed by type_par
(default = 1), and s
the standard deviation of index residuals from the most recent assessment.
- I_y
is the mean value of the index over the most recent type_par
years (default = 3).
- I_y
is the most recent index predicted by a loess smoother applied over the entire time series of the index.
Use type_par
to adjust the span
parameter (default = 0.75).
- I_y
is the most recent index. Index values are not adjusted in the interim procedure.
A function of class MP
Huynh et al. 2020. The interim management procedure approach for assessed stocks: Responsive management advice and lower assessment frequency. Fish Fish. 21:663–679. doi:10.1111/faf.12453
HCR_ramp HCR_MSY diagnostic retrospective_AM
# Interim MPs MP_buffer_5 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 5) MP_buffer_10 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 10) OM <- MSEtool::testOM OM@interval <- 1 MSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM, MPs = c("MP_buffer_5", "MP_buffer_10")) # A statistical catch-at-age model with a 40-10 control rule SCA_40_10 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR40_10) # An SCA that will produce convergence diagnostics SCA_40_10 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR40_10, diagnostic = "min") # MP with an SCA that uses a Ricker stock-recruit function. SCA_Ricker <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_MSY, SR = "Ricker") show(SCA_Ricker) # TAC is calculated annually from triennial assessments with projections between # assessments with F = 0.75 FMSY # Projections by default assume no process error. OM <- MSEtool::testOM OM@interval <- 1 pMP <- make_projection_MP(SCA, assessment_interval = 3, Ftarget = expression(0.75 * Assessment@FMSY), proj_args = list(process_error = 1))
# Interim MPs MP_buffer_5 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 5) MP_buffer_10 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 10) OM <- MSEtool::testOM OM@interval <- 1 MSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM, MPs = c("MP_buffer_5", "MP_buffer_10")) # A statistical catch-at-age model with a 40-10 control rule SCA_40_10 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR40_10) # An SCA that will produce convergence diagnostics SCA_40_10 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR40_10, diagnostic = "min") # MP with an SCA that uses a Ricker stock-recruit function. SCA_Ricker <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_MSY, SR = "Ricker") show(SCA_Ricker) # TAC is calculated annually from triennial assessments with projections between # assessments with F = 0.75 FMSY # Projections by default assume no process error. OM <- MSEtool::testOM OM@interval <- 1 pMP <- make_projection_MP(SCA, assessment_interval = 3, Ftarget = expression(0.75 * Assessment@FMSY), proj_args = list(process_error = 1))
A suite of model-based management procedures (MPs) included in the package. Additional MPs, with specific model configurations (e.g., stock-recruit function or fixing certain parameters) or alternative ramped harvest control rules can be created with make_MP and the available Assess and HCR objects with constant TAC between assessment years.
SCA_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SCA_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SCA_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")
SCA_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SCA_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SCA_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") DDSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SP_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min") SSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")
x |
A position in the Data object. |
Data |
An object of class Data |
reps |
Numeric, the number of stochastic replicates for the management advice. |
diagnostic |
Character string describing the assessment diagnostic to save, see make_MP. |
An object of class MSEtool::Rec which contains the management recommendation.
: A statistical catch-at-age model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY,
and default arguments for configuring SCA.
: An SCA with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.
: An SCA with a 40-10 control rule.
: A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY,
and default arguments for configuring DD_SS.
: A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.
: A state-space delay difference model with a 40-10 control rule.
: A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY,
and default arguments for configuring SP.
: A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.
: A surplus production model with a 40-10 control rule.
: Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4 in SSS) with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY.
: Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% FMSY.
: Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with a 40-10 control rule.
MSEtool::avail("MP", package = "SAMtool") myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SCA_4010"))
MSEtool::avail("MP", package = "SAMtool") myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SCA_4010"))
A list containing an operating model, data set, and priors for updating the operating model using the conditioning model RCM.
A list containing an object of class MSEtool::OM, RCMdata, and a list of priors for index catchability.
Forrest, R.E., Anderson, S.C., Grandin, C.J., and Starr, P.J. 2020. Assessment of Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) for Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound (Area 5ABCD), and West Coast Vancouver Island (Area 3CD) in 2018. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2020/070. v + 215 p.
DFO. 2021. Status Update of Pacifc Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) for West Coast Vancouver Island (Area 3CD), and Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound (Area 5ABCD) in 2020. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Resp. 2021/002.
Plots the probability distribution function of a beta variable from the mean and standard deviation in either transformed (logit) or untransformed space.
plot_betavar(m, sd, label = NULL, is_logit = FALSE, color = "black")
plot_betavar(m, sd, label = NULL, is_logit = FALSE, color = "black")
m |
A vector of means of the distribution. |
sd |
A vector of standard deviations of the distribution. |
label |
Name of the variable to be used as x-axis label. |
is_logit |
Logical that indicates whether the means and standard deviations are in logit (TRUE) or normal (FALSE) space. |
color |
A vector of colors. |
A plot of the probability distribution function. Vertical dotted line indicates mean of distribution. This function can plot multiple curves when multiple means and standard deviations are provided.
Q. Huynh
mu <- 0.5 stddev <- 0.1 plot_betavar(mu, stddev) # mean of plot should be 0.5 #logit parameters mu <- 0 stddev <- 0.1 plot_betavar(mu, stddev, is_logit = TRUE) # mean of plot should be 0.5
mu <- 0.5 stddev <- 0.1 plot_betavar(mu, stddev) # mean of plot should be 0.5 #logit parameters mu <- 0 stddev <- 0.1 plot_betavar(mu, stddev, is_logit = TRUE) # mean of plot should be 0.5
Plots annual length or age composition data.
plot_composition( Year = 1:nrow(obs), obs, fit = NULL, plot_type = c("annual", "bubble_data", "bubble_residuals", "mean", "heat_residuals", "hist_residuals"), N = rowSums(obs), CAL_bins = NULL, ages = NULL, ind = 1:nrow(obs), annual_ylab = "Frequency", annual_yscale = c("proportions", "raw"), bubble_adj = 1.5, bubble_color = c("#99999999", "white"), fit_linewidth = 3, fit_color = "red" )
plot_composition( Year = 1:nrow(obs), obs, fit = NULL, plot_type = c("annual", "bubble_data", "bubble_residuals", "mean", "heat_residuals", "hist_residuals"), N = rowSums(obs), CAL_bins = NULL, ages = NULL, ind = 1:nrow(obs), annual_ylab = "Frequency", annual_yscale = c("proportions", "raw"), bubble_adj = 1.5, bubble_color = c("#99999999", "white"), fit_linewidth = 3, fit_color = "red" )
Year |
A vector of years. |
obs |
A matrix of either length or age composition data. For lengths, rows and columns should index years and length bin, respectively. For ages, rows and columns should index years and age, respectively. |
fit |
A matrix of predicted length or age composition from an assessment model. Same dimensions as obs. |
plot_type |
Indicates which plots to create. Options include annual distributions, bubble plot of the data, and bubble plot of the Pearson residuals, and annual means. |
N |
Annual sample sizes. Vector of length |
CAL_bins |
A vector of lengths corresponding to the columns in |
ages |
An optional vector of ages corresponding to the columns in |
ind |
A numeric vector for plotting a subset of rows (which indexes year) of |
annual_ylab |
Character string for y-axis label when |
annual_yscale |
For annual composition plots ( |
bubble_adj |
Numeric, for adjusting the relative size of bubbles in bubble plots (larger number = larger bubbles). |
bubble_color |
Colors for negative and positive residuals, respectively, for bubble plots. |
fit_linewidth |
Argument |
fit_color |
Color of fitted line. |
Plots depending on plot_type
. Invisibly returns a matrix or list of values that were plotted.
Q. Huynh
plot_composition(obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, 1:16, ]) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], plot_type = "bubble_data", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) SCA_fit <- SCA(x = 2, Data = SimulatedData) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "mean", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, 1:16, ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age[1:16, ], plot_type = "annual", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "bubble_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "heat_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "hist_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge )
plot_composition(obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, 1:16, ]) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], plot_type = "bubble_data", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) SCA_fit <- SCA(x = 2, Data = SimulatedData) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "mean", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, 1:16, ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age[1:16, ], plot_type = "annual", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "bubble_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "heat_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge ) plot_composition( obs = SimulatedData@CAA[1, , ], fit = SCA_fit@C_at_age, plot_type = "hist_residuals", ages = 0:SimulatedData@MaxAge )
Produce a cross-correlation plot of the derived data arising from getinds(MSE_object)
plot_crosscorr( indPPD, indData, pp = 1, dnam = c("CS", "CV", "CM", "IS", "MLS"), res = 1 )
plot_crosscorr( indPPD, indData, pp = 1, dnam = c("CS", "CV", "CM", "IS", "MLS"), res = 1 )
indPPD |
A 3D array of results arising from running getind on an MSE of the Null operating model (type of data/stat (e.g. mean catches),time period (chunk), simulation) |
indData |
A 3D array of results arising from running getind on an MSE of the Alternative operating model (type of data/stat (e.g. mean catches),time period (chunk), simulation) |
pp |
Positive integer, the number of time chunks (blocks of years normally, second dimension of indPPD and indData) to produce the plot for. |
dnam |
A character vector of names of the data for plotting purposes (as long as dimension 1 of indPPD and indData). |
res |
The size of the temporal blocking that created indPPD and indData - this is just used for labelling purposes |
A cross-correlation plot (ndata-1) x (ndata-1)
T. Carruthers
Carruthers and Hordyk 2018
Plots the probability distribution function of a lognormal variable from the mean and standard deviation in either transformed (normal) or untransformed space.
plot_lognormalvar(m, sd, label = NULL, logtransform = FALSE, color = "black")
plot_lognormalvar(m, sd, label = NULL, logtransform = FALSE, color = "black")
m |
A vector of means of the distribution. |
sd |
A vector of standard deviations of the distribution. |
label |
Name of the variable to be used as x-axis label. |
logtransform |
Indicates whether the mean and standard deviation are in lognormal (TRUE) or normal (FALSE) space. |
color |
A vector of colors. |
A plot of the probability distribution function. Vertical dotted line indicates mean of distribution. This function can plot multiple curves when multiple means and standard deviations are provided.
Q. Huynh
mu <- 0.5 stddev <- 0.1 plot_lognormalvar(mu, stddev) # mean of plot should be 0.5 #logtransformed parameters mu <- 0 stddev <- 0.1 plot_lognormalvar(mu, stddev, logtransform = TRUE) # mean of plot should be 1
mu <- 0.5 stddev <- 0.1 plot_lognormalvar(mu, stddev) # mean of plot should be 0.5 #logtransformed parameters mu <- 0 stddev <- 0.1 plot_lognormalvar(mu, stddev, logtransform = TRUE) # mean of plot should be 1
Plots figure of residuals (or any time series with predicted mean of zero).
plot_residuals( Year, res, res_sd = NULL, res_sd_CI = 0.95, res_upper = NULL, res_lower = NULL, res_ind_blue = NULL, draw_zero = TRUE, zero_linetype = 2, label = "Residual" )
plot_residuals( Year, res, res_sd = NULL, res_sd_CI = 0.95, res_upper = NULL, res_lower = NULL, res_ind_blue = NULL, draw_zero = TRUE, zero_linetype = 2, label = "Residual" )
Year |
A vector of years for the data. |
res |
A vector of residuals. |
res_sd |
A vector of year specific standard deviation for |
res_sd_CI |
The confidence interval for the error bars based for |
res_upper |
A vector of year-specific upper bounds for the error bars of the residual (in lieu of argument |
res_lower |
A vector of year-specific lower bounds for the error bars of the residual (in lieu of argument |
res_ind_blue |
Indices of |
draw_zero |
Indicates whether a horizontal line should be drawn at zero. |
zero_linetype |
Passes argument |
label |
Character string that describes the data to label the y-axis. |
A plot of model residuals by year (optionally, with error bars).
Q. Huynh
Plot stock-recruitment (with recruitment deviations if estimated).
plot_SR( Spawners, expectedR, R0 = NULL, S0 = NULL, rec_dev = NULL, trajectory = FALSE, y_zoom = NULL, ylab = "Recruitment" )
plot_SR( Spawners, expectedR, R0 = NULL, S0 = NULL, rec_dev = NULL, trajectory = FALSE, y_zoom = NULL, ylab = "Recruitment" )
Spawners |
A vector of the number of the spawners (x-axis). |
expectedR |
A vector of the expected recruitment (from the
stock-recruit function) corresponding to values of |
R0 |
Virgin recruitment. |
S0 |
Virgin spawners. |
rec_dev |
If recruitment deviations are estimated, a vector of estimated recruitment
(in normal space) corresponding to values of |
trajectory |
Indicates whether arrows will be drawn showing the trajectory of spawners and recruitment deviations over time. |
y_zoom |
If recruitment deviations are plotted, the y-axis limit relative to
maximum expected recruitment |
ylab |
Character string for label on y-axis. |
A stock-recruit plot
Q. Huynh
Plots the probability distribution function of steepness from the mean and standard deviation.
plot_steepness( m, sd, is_transform = FALSE, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), color = "black" )
plot_steepness( m, sd, is_transform = FALSE, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), color = "black" )
m |
The mean of the distribution (vectorized). |
sd |
The standard deviation of the distribution (vectorized). |
is_transform |
Logical, whether the mean and standard deviation are in normal space (FALSE) or transformed space. |
SR |
The stock recruitment relationship (determines the range and, if relevant, transformation of steepness). |
color |
A vector of colors. |
A plot of the probability distribution function. Vertical dotted line indicates mean of distribution.
The function samples from a beta distribution with parameters alpha and beta that are converted from the mean and standard deviation. Then, the distribution is transformed from 0 - 1 to 0.2 - 1.
Q. Huynh
mu <- 0.8 stddev <- 0.1 plot_steepness(mu, stddev)
mu <- 0.8 stddev <- 0.1 plot_steepness(mu, stddev)
Plot time series of observed (with lognormally-distributed error bars) vs. predicted data.
plot_timeseries( Year, obs, fit = NULL, obs_CV = NULL, obs_CV_CI = 0.95, obs_upper = NULL, obs_lower = NULL, obs_ind_blue = NULL, fit_linewidth = 3, fit_color = "red", label = "Observed data" )
plot_timeseries( Year, obs, fit = NULL, obs_CV = NULL, obs_CV_CI = 0.95, obs_upper = NULL, obs_lower = NULL, obs_ind_blue = NULL, fit_linewidth = 3, fit_color = "red", label = "Observed data" )
Year |
A vector of years for the data. |
obs |
A vector of observed data. |
fit |
A vector of predicted data (e.g., from an assessment model). |
obs_CV |
A vector of year-specific coefficient of variation in the observed data. |
obs_CV_CI |
The confidence interval for the error bars based for |
obs_upper |
A vector of year-specific upper bounds for the error bars of the observed data (in lieu of argument |
obs_lower |
A vector of year-specific lower bounds for the error bars of the observed data (in lieu of argument |
obs_ind_blue |
Indices of |
fit_linewidth |
Argument |
fit_color |
Color of fitted line. |
label |
Character string that describes the data to label the y-axis. |
A plot of annual observed data and predicted values from a model.
Q. Huynh
data(Red_snapper) plot_timeseries(Red_snapper@Year, Red_snapper@Cat[1, ], obs_CV = Red_snapper@CV_Cat, label = "Catch")
data(Red_snapper) plot_timeseries(Red_snapper@Year, Red_snapper@Cat[1, ], obs_CV = Red_snapper@CV_Cat, label = "Catch")
Produces HTML file (via markdown) figures of parameter estimates and output from an Assessment object.
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment,missing' plot( x, filename = paste0("report_", x@Model), dir = tempdir(), ret_yr = 0L, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args = list(), ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment,retro' plot( x, y, filename = paste0("report_", x@Model), dir = tempdir(), open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args = list(), ... )
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment,missing' plot( x, filename = paste0("report_", x@Model), dir = tempdir(), ret_yr = 0L, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args = list(), ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment,retro' plot( x, y, filename = paste0("report_", x@Model), dir = tempdir(), open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args = list(), ... )
x |
An object of class Assessment. |
filename |
Character string for the name of the markdown and HTML files. |
dir |
The directory in which the markdown and HTML files will be saved. |
ret_yr |
If greater than zero, then a retrospective analysis will be performed and results will be reported. The integer here corresponds to the number of peels (the maximum number of terminal years for which the data are removed). |
open_file |
Logical, whether the HTML document is opened after it is rendered. |
quiet |
Logical, whether to silence the markdown rendering function. |
render_args |
Arguments to pass to render. |
... |
Other arguments. |
y |
An object of class retro. |
Returns invisibly the output from render.
output <- DD_TMB(Data = Simulation_1) plot(output)
output <- DD_TMB(Data = Simulation_1) plot(output)
Generates a profile plot generated by profile. If a two-parameter profile is performed, then a contour plot of the likelihood surface is returned.
## S4 method for signature 'prof,missing' plot(x, contour_levels = 20, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'prof,missing' plot(x, contour_levels = 20, ...)
x |
contour_levels |
Integer, passed to |
... |
Miscellaneous. Not used. |
A likelihood profile plot, either a one-dimensional line plot or a two-dimensional contour plot.
Q. Huynh
Produces HTML file (via markdown) figures of parameter estimates and output from an Assessment object.
Plots histograms of operating model parameters that are updated by the RCM scoping function, as well as diagnostic plots
for the fits to the RCM for each simulation. compare_RCM
plots a short report that compares output from multiple RCM objects,
assuming the same model structure, i.e., identical matrix and array dimensions among models, but different data weightings, data omissions, etc.
## S4 method for signature 'RCModel,missing' plot( x, compare = FALSE, filename = "RCM", dir = tempdir(), sims = 1:x@OM@nsim, Year = NULL, Age = NULL, f_name = NULL, s_name = NULL, MSY_ref = c(0.5, 1), bubble_adj = 1.5, scenario = list(), title = NULL, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args, ... ) compare_RCM( ..., compare = FALSE, filename = "compare_RCM", dir = tempdir(), Year = NULL, Age = NULL, f_name = NULL, s_name = NULL, MSY_ref = c(0.5, 1), bubble_adj = 1.5, scenario = list(), title = NULL, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args )
## S4 method for signature 'RCModel,missing' plot( x, compare = FALSE, filename = "RCM", dir = tempdir(), sims = 1:x@OM@nsim, Year = NULL, Age = NULL, f_name = NULL, s_name = NULL, MSY_ref = c(0.5, 1), bubble_adj = 1.5, scenario = list(), title = NULL, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args, ... ) compare_RCM( ..., compare = FALSE, filename = "compare_RCM", dir = tempdir(), Year = NULL, Age = NULL, f_name = NULL, s_name = NULL, MSY_ref = c(0.5, 1), bubble_adj = 1.5, scenario = list(), title = NULL, open_file = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, render_args )
x |
compare |
Logical, if TRUE, the function will run |
filename |
Character string for the name of the markdown and HTML files. |
dir |
The directory in which the markdown and HTML files will be saved. |
sims |
A logical vector of length |
Year |
Optional, a vector of years for the historical period for plotting. Useful if seasonal time steps are used. |
Age |
Optional, a vector of ages for plotting. Useful if seasonal time steps are used. |
f_name |
Character vector for fleet names. |
s_name |
Character vector for survey names. |
MSY_ref |
A numeric vector for reference horizontal lines for B/BMSY plots. |
bubble_adj |
A number to adjust the size of bubble plots (for residuals of age and length comps). |
scenario |
Optional, a named list to label each simulation in the RCM for plotting, e.g.:
title |
Optional character string for an alternative title for the markdown report. |
open_file |
Logical, whether the HTML document is opened after it is rendered. |
quiet |
Logical, whether to silence the markdown rendering function. |
render_args |
A list of other arguments to pass to render. |
... |
For |
Returns invisibly the output from render.
plot and summary functions for retro object.
## S4 method for signature 'retro,missing' plot(x, color = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'retro' summary(object)
## S4 method for signature 'retro,missing' plot(x, color = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'retro' summary(object)
x |
An object of class retro. |
color |
An optional character vector of colors for plotting. |
object |
An object of class retro. |
A series of plots showing retrospective patterns in fishing mortality, spawning biomass, recruitment, etc.
Q. Huynh
res <- SP(Data = swordfish) ret <- retrospective(res, figure = FALSE) summary(ret) plot(ret)
res <- SP(Data = swordfish) ret <- retrospective(res, figure = FALSE) summary(ret) plot(ret)
A convenient wrapper function (posterior
) to sample the posterior using MCMC in rstan
and returns a stanfit
object for diagnostics. Use RCMstan
to update the RCM and the enclosed operating model
with MCMC samples..
posterior(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' posterior( x, priors_only = FALSE, laplace = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 2000, warmup = floor(iter/2), thin = 5, seed = 34, init = "last.par.best", cores = chains, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' posterior(x, priors_only = FALSE, ...) RCMstan(RCModel, stanfit, sim, cores = 1, silent = FALSE)
posterior(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' posterior( x, priors_only = FALSE, laplace = FALSE, chains = 2, iter = 2000, warmup = floor(iter/2), thin = 5, seed = 34, init = "last.par.best", cores = chains, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' posterior(x, priors_only = FALSE, ...) RCMstan(RCModel, stanfit, sim, cores = 1, silent = FALSE)
x |
An object of class Assessment or RCModel. |
... |
Additional arguments to pass to |
priors_only |
Logical, whether to set the likelihood to zero and sample the priors only. |
laplace |
Logical, whether to do the Laplace approximation for random parameters. |
chains |
The numer of MCMC chains. |
iter |
The number of iterations for each chain, including warmup. |
warmup |
The number of burnin iterations |
thin |
The frequency at which iterations are kept (e.g., |
seed |
Seed for random number generator during the MCMC. |
init |
The initial values of parameters for starting the MCMC chain. See |
cores |
The number of cores for running in parallel, e.g., one core per MCMC chain. Used in |
RCModel |
An object of class |
stanfit |
An object of class |
sim |
A matrix of |
silent |
Logical to indicate if progress messages should be printed to console. |
returns an object of class stanfit
. See class?stanfit
returns an updated RCModel
A vignette on the steps to run the MCMC is available on the openMSE website.
Q. Huynh
Calculate mahalanobis distance (null and alternative MSEs) and statistical power for all MPs in an MSE
PRBcalc( MSE_null, MSE_alt, tsd = c("Cat", "Cat", "Cat", "Ind", "ML"), stat = c("slp", "AAV", "mu", "slp", "slp"), dnam = c("C_S", "C_V", "C_M", "I_S", "ML_S"), res = 6, alpha = 0.05, plotCC = FALSE, removedat = FALSE, removethresh = 0.025 )
PRBcalc( MSE_null, MSE_alt, tsd = c("Cat", "Cat", "Cat", "Ind", "ML"), stat = c("slp", "AAV", "mu", "slp", "slp"), dnam = c("C_S", "C_V", "C_M", "I_S", "ML_S"), res = 6, alpha = 0.05, plotCC = FALSE, removedat = FALSE, removethresh = 0.025 )
MSE_null |
An object of class MSE representing the null hypothesis |
MSE_alt |
An object of class MSE representing the alternative hypothesis |
tsd |
Character string of data types: Cat = catch, Ind = relative abundance index, ML = mean length in catches |
stat |
Character string defining the quantity to be calculated for each data type, slp = slope(log(x)), AAV = average annual variability, mu = mean(log(x)) |
dnam |
Character string of names for the quantities calculated |
res |
Integer, the resolution (time blocking) for the calculation of PPD |
alpha |
Probability of incorrectly rejecting the null operating model when it is valid |
plotCC |
Logical, should the PPD cross correlations be plotted? |
removedat |
Logical, should data not contributing to the mahalanobis distance be removed? |
removethresh |
Positive fraction: the cumulative percentage of removed data (removedat=TRUE) that contribute to the mahalanobis distance |
A list object with two hierarchies of indexing, first by MP, second has two positions as described in Probs: (1) mahalanobis distance, (2) a matrix of type 1 error (first row) and statistical power (second row), by time block.
T. Carruthers
Carruthers, T.R, and Hordyk, A.R. In press. Using management strategy evaluation to establish indicators of changing fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science.
Evaluates the likely performance of Assessment models in the operating model. This function will apply the assessment model for Data generated during the historical period of the MSE, and report the convergence rate for the model and total time elapsed in running the assessments.
prelim_AM(x, Assess, ncpus = NULL, ...)
prelim_AM(x, Assess, ncpus = NULL, ...)
x |
Either a |
Assess |
An Assess function of class |
ncpus |
Numeric, the number of CPUs to run the Assessment model (will run in parallel if greater than 1). |
... |
Arguments to be passed to |
Returns invisibly a list of Assessment objects of length OM@nsim
. Messages via console.
Q. Huynh
prelim_AM(MSEtool::SimulatedData, SP)
prelim_AM(MSEtool::SimulatedData, SP)
Calculates mahalanobis distance and rejection of the Null operating model, used by wrapping function PRBcalc.
Probs(indPPD, indData, alpha = 0.05, removedat = FALSE, removethresh = 0.05)
Probs(indPPD, indData, alpha = 0.05, removedat = FALSE, removethresh = 0.05)
indPPD |
A 3D array of results arising from running getind on an MSE of the Null operating model (type of data/stat (e.g. mean catches),time period (chunk), simulation) |
indData |
A 3D array of results arising from running getind on an MSE of the Alternative operating model (type of data/stat (e.g. mean catches),time period (chunk), simulation) |
alpha |
Positive fraction: rate of type I error, alpha |
removedat |
Logical, should data not contributing to the mahalanobis distance be removed? |
removethresh |
Positive fraction: the cumulative percentage of removed data (removedat=TRUE) that contribute to the mahalanobis distance |
A list object. Position 1 is an array of the mahalanobis distances. Dimension 1 is length 2 for the Null OM (indPPD) and the alternative OM (indData). Dimension 2 is the time block (same length as indPPD dim 2). Dimension 3 is the simulation number (same length at indPPD dim 3.), Position 2 is a matrix (2 rows, ntimeblock columns) which is (row 1) alpha: the rate of false positives, and row 2 the power (1-beta) the rate of true positives
T. Carruthers
Carruthers and Hordyk 2018
An S4 class that contains output from profile.
Name of the assessment model.
Name of Data object.
Character vector of parameters that were profiled.
Numeric vector of the estimated values of the parameters (corresponding to Par
) from the assessment.
A data.frame of the change in negative log-likelihood (nll
) based on the profile of the parameters.
Q. Huynh
Profile the likelihood for parameters of assessment models.
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' profile(fitted, figure = TRUE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' profile(fitted, figure = TRUE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' profile(fitted, figure = TRUE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' profile(fitted, figure = TRUE, ...)
fitted , Assessment
An object of class Assessment. |
figure |
Logical, indicates whether a figure will be plotted. |
... |
A sequence of values of the parameter(s) for the profile. See details and example below. See details for name of arguments to be passed on. |
For the following assessment models, possible sequence of values for profiling are:
DD_TMB and DD_SS: R0
and h
and MSY
DD and cDD_SS: R0
and h
SCA and SCA_Pope: R0
and h
SCA2: meanR
VPA: F_term
For RCM: D
(spawning biomass depletion), R0
, and h
are used. If the Mesnil-Rochet stock-recruit function
is used, can also profile MRRmax
and MRgamma
An object of class prof that contains a data frame of negative log-likelihood values from the profile and, optionally, a figure of the likelihood surface.
Q. Huynh
output <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Profile R0 only pro <- profile(output, R0 = seq(1000, 2000, 50)) # Profile both R0 and steepness pro <- profile(output, R0 = seq(1000, 2000, 100), h = seq(0.8, 0.95, 0.025)) # Ensure your grid is of proper resolution. A grid that is too coarse # will likely distort the shape of the likelihood surface.
output <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Profile R0 only pro <- profile(output, R0 = seq(1000, 2000, 50)) # Profile both R0 and steepness pro <- profile(output, R0 = seq(1000, 2000, 100), h = seq(0.8, 0.95, 0.025)) # Ensure your grid is of proper resolution. A grid that is too coarse # will likely distort the shape of the likelihood surface.
An S4 class for the output from projection.
Name of the assessment model.
Name of Data object.
A matrix of fishing mortality over p_sim
rows and p_years
An matrix of biomass with p_sim
rows and p_years
A matrix of spawning biomass with p_sim
rows and p_years
A matrix of vulnerable biomass with p_sim
rows and p_years
A matrix of recruitment over p_sim
rows and p_years
A matrix of abundance over p_sim
rows and p_years
A matrix of simulated observed catch over p_sim
rows and p_years
An array of simulated observed index of dimension c(p_sim, p_years, nsurvey)
An array for catch-at-age with dimension c(p_sim, p_years, n_age)
Q. Huynh
This function takes an assessment model and runs a stochastic projection based on future F or catch.
projection( Assessment, constrain = c("F", "Catch"), Ftarget, Catch, p_years = 50, p_sim = 200, obs_error, process_error, max_F = 3, seed = 499 )
projection( Assessment, constrain = c("F", "Catch"), Ftarget, Catch, p_years = 50, p_sim = 200, obs_error, process_error, max_F = 3, seed = 499 )
Assessment |
An object of class Assessment. |
constrain |
Whether to project on future F or catch. By default, projects on F. |
Ftarget |
The projection F, either of length 1 for constant F for the entirety of the projection or length p_years. |
Catch |
The projection catch, either of length 1 for constant catch for the entirety of the projection or length p_years. |
p_years |
Integer for the number of projection years. |
p_sim |
Integer for the number of simulations for the projection. |
obs_error |
A list of length two. In the first entry, a vector of length nsurvey giving the standard deviations of each future index, or alternatively an array of dimension p_sim, p_years, and nsurvey giving the deviates. The second entry is the standard deviation of the projected catch. Alternatively, a matrix of simulation and year-specific error structure for the catch (p_sim rows and p_year columns; a matrix of ones indicates perfect data). |
process_error |
Numeric, standard deviation for process error (e.g., recruitment or biomass deviates). If |
max_F |
The maximum allowable F if the projection is constrained on catch. |
seed |
An integer to set the seed for the sampling observation and process error deviates. |
An object of class project that contains future predicted values of F, catch, biomass, recruitment, etc.
myAssess <- SP(Data = swordfish) do_projection <- projection(myAssess, Ftarget = myAssess@FMSY)
myAssess <- SP(Data = swordfish) do_projection <- projection(myAssess, Ftarget = myAssess@FMSY)
In beta testing. A function that uses RCM as an assessment function for use in MPs. More function arguments will be added to tinker with model settings and data inputs.
RCM_assess( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), selectivity = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_multiplier = 50, prior = list(), LWT = list(), StockPars = "Data", ... )
RCM_assess( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), selectivity = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_multiplier = 50, prior = list(), LWT = list(), StockPars = "Data", ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. Vulnerability to the survey is fixed in the model. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
selectivity |
Whether to model "logistic" or "dome" selectivity for the fishery. |
CAA_multiplier |
Numeric for data weighting of catch-at-age matrix. If greater than 1, then this is the maximum multinomial sample size in any year. If less than one, then the multinomial sample size is this fraction of the sample size. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See documentation in SCA. |
A named list (Index, CAA, Catch) of likelihood weights for the data components. For the index, a vector of length survey. For CAL and Catch, a single value. |
StockPars |
Either a string ("Data" or "OM") to indicate whether to grab biological parameters from the Data object, or operating model. Alternatively, a named list to provide custom parameters for the assessment. |
... |
Additional arguments (to be added). |
Currently uses catch, CAA, and indices of abundance in the corresponding slots in the Data object.
Biological parameters can be used from the (1) Data object, (2) operating model, or (3) provided directly in the
Options 2 and 3 allow for time-varying growth, maturity, and natural mortality. Natural mortality can also be age-varying.
can be a named list of parameters used to provide inputs to the assessment model:
- annual weight at age, array [sim, ages, year]
- annual maturity at age, array [sim, ages, year]
- Stock-recruit steepness, vector of length [sim]
- annual natural mortality, array [sim, ages, year]
r <- RCM_assess(Data = SimulatedData) myMP <- make_MP(RCM_assess, HCR_MSY) myMP(x = 1, Data = SimulatedData)
r <- RCM_assess(Data = SimulatedData) myMP <- make_MP(RCM_assess, HCR_MSY) myMP(x = 1, Data = SimulatedData)
The RCM (Rapid Conditioning Model) returns a single-fleet operating model, implying constant effort among fleets for projections. Here, we convert the single-fleet OM to a multi-fleet OM, preserving the multiple fleet structure used in the conditioning model for projections. This allows for testing management procedures that explicitly specify fleet allocation in the management advice.
RCModel |
A class MSEtool::MOM object.
Q. Huynh
data(pcod) mat_ogive <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] OM <- MSEtool::SubCpars(pcod$OM, 1:3) out <- RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive, length(mat_ogive), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) MOM <- RCM2MOM(out)
data(pcod) mat_ogive <- pcod$OM@cpars$Mat_age[1, , 1] OM <- MSEtool::SubCpars(pcod$OM, 1:3) out <- RCM(OM = pcod$OM, data = pcod$data, condition = "catch", mean_fit = TRUE, selectivity = "free", s_selectivity = rep("SSB", ncol(pcod$data@Index)), start = list(vul_par = matrix(mat_ogive, length(mat_ogive), 1)), map = list(vul_par = matrix(NA, length(mat_ogive), 1), log_early_rec_dev = rep(1, pcod$OM@maxage)), prior = pcod$prior) MOM <- RCM2MOM(out)
An S4 class for the data inputs into RCM.
Either a vector of historical catch, should be of length OM@nyears
, or if there are multiple fleets,
a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nfleet
Ideally, the first year of the catch series represents unfished conditions (see also slot C_eq
Same dimension as Chist
. Lognormal distribution standard deviations (by year and fleet) for the catches in Chist
If not provided, the default is 0.01. Not used if RCM(condition = "catch2")
A vector of historical effort, should be of length OM@nyears
, or if there are multiple fleets:
a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nfleet
columns. See also slot E_eq
Optional weight at age for the catch Chist
. Array with dimension [OM@nyears+1, OM@maxage+1, nfleet]
Fishery age composition matrix with nyears
rows and OM@maxage+1
columns, or if multiple fleets:
an array with dimension: nyears, OM@maxage+1, nfleet
. Enter NA
for years without any data.
Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot CAA_ESS
for sample sizes).
Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the fishery age comps.
A vector of length OM@nyears
, or if there are multiple fleets: a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nfleet
Enter zero for years without observations.
An annual cap to the ESS, e.g., 50, can be calculated with something like: pmin(apply(CAA, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE), 50)
By default,
Fishery length composition matrix with nyears
rows and n_bin
columns (indexing the length bin), or
if multiple fleets: an array with dimension: nyears, n_bin, nfleets
. Enter NA
for years without any data.
Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot CAL_ESS
for sample sizes).
Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the fishery length comps.
Same dimension as CAA_ESS
A vector (length n_bin
) for the midpoints of the length bins for CAL
and IAL
, as well as the population model, if all bin widths are equal in size.
If length bins are unequal in width, then provide a vector of the boundaries of the length bins (vector of length n_bin + 1
Mean mean size (either mean length or mean weight) observations from the fishery. Same dimension as Chist
Generally, mean lengths should not be used alongside CAL
, unless mean length and length comps are independently sampled.
A character (either "length"
(default) or "weight"
) to denote the type of mean size data.
The coefficient of variation of the observed mean size. If there are multiple fleets, a vector of length nfleet
Default is 0.2.
Index of abundance. Enter NA
for missing values. A vector length OM@nyears
, or if there are multiple surveys:
a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nsurvey
A vector or matrix of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the indices corresponding to the entries in Index
Same dimension as Index
. If not provided, this function will use values from OM@Iobs
Optional weight at age for the index Index
. Array with dimension [OM@nyears, OM@maxage+1, nsurvey]
Index age composition data, an array of dimension nyears, maxage+1, nsurvey
Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see IAA_ESS
for sample sizes).
Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the index age comps.
A vector of length OM@nyears
. If there are multiple indices: a matrix of OM@nyears
rows and nsurvey
Index length composition data, an array of dimension nyears, n_bin, nsurvey
Raw numbers will be converted to annual proportions (see slot IAL_ESS
to enter sample sizes).
Annual sample size (for the multinomial distribution) of the index length comps.
Same dimension as IAA_ESS
Vector of length nfleet
for the equilibrium catch for each fleet in Chist
prior to the first year of the operating model.
Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data. Alternatively,
if one has a full CAA matrix, one could instead estimate "artificial" rec devs to generate the initial numbers-at-age (and hence initial depletion)
in the first year of the model (see additional arguments in RCM).
A vector of standard deviations (lognormal distribution) for the equilibrium catches in C_eq
Same dimension as C_eq
. If not provided, the default is 0.01. Only used if RCM(condition = "catch")
The equilibrium effort for each fleet in Ehist
prior to the first year of the operating model.
Zero (default) implies unfished conditions in year one. Otherwise, this is used to estimate depletion in the first year of the data.
An integer vector length nsurvey
to indicate which indices are in absolute magnitude. Use 1
to set q = 1
otherwise use 0 (default) to estimate q.
An integer vector of length nsurvey
to indicate whether indices are biomass based (1) or abundance-based (0). By default, all are biomass-based.
A vector of length nsurvey
to indicate the timing of the indices within each time step (0-1, for example 0.5 is the midpoint of the year). By default, zero is used.
Can also be a matrix by nyears, nsurvey
. Use -1 if the survey operates continuously, the availability would be N * (1 - exp(-Z))/Z
A square matrix of maxage + 1
rows and columns to specify ageing error. The aa
-th column assigns a proportion of animals of
true age aa
to observed age a
in the a
-th row. Thus, all rows should sum to 1. Default is an identity matrix (no ageing error).
For time-varying fleet selectivity (in time blocks), a integer matrix of nyears
rows and nfleet
columns to assign a selectivity
function to a fleet for certain years. By default, constant selectivity for each individual fleet.
See the selectivity article for more details.
A list of miscellaneous inputs. Used internally.
Q. Huynh
An S4 class for the output from RCM.
An updated operating model, class MSEtool::OM.
A matrix of estimated spawning biomass with OM@nsim
rows and OM@nyears+1
An array for the predicted numbers at age with dimension OM@nsim
, OM@nyears+1
, and OM@maxage+1
An array for the predicted catch at age with dimension OM@nsim
, OM@nyears
, OM@maxage
, and nfleet.
An array for the predicted catch at length with dimension OM@nsim
, OM@nyears
, length bins, and nfleet.
A logical vector of length OM@nsim
indicating convergence of the RCM in the i-th simulation.
A list of length OM@nsim
with more output from the fitted RCM. Within each simulation, a named list containing items of interest include:
B - total biomass - vector of length nyears+1
EPR0 - annual unfished spawners per recruit - vector of length nyears
ageM - age of 50% maturity - integer
EPR0_SR - unfished spawners per recruit for the stock-recruit relationship (mean EPR0 over the first ageM
years) - numeric
R0 - unfished recruitment for the stock-recruit relationship - numeric
h - steepness for the stock-recruit relationship - numeric
Arec - stock-recruit alpha parameter - numeric
Brec - stock-recruit beta parameter - numeric
E0_SR - unfished spawning biomass for the stock-recruit relationship (product of EPR0_SR and R0) - numeric
CR_SR - compensation ratio, the product of Arec and EPR0_SR - numeric
E0 - annual unfished spawning biomass (intersection of stock-recruit relationship and unfished spawners per recruit) - vector of length nyears
R0_annual - annual unfished recruitment (annual ratio of E0 and EPR0) - vector of length nyears
h_annual - annual steepness (calculated from EPR0 and Arec) - vector of length nyears
CR - annual compensation ratio, the product of alpha and annual unfished spawners per recruit (EPR0) - vector of length nyears
R - recruitment - vector of length nyears+1
R_early - recruitment for the cohorts in first year of the model - vector n_age-1 (where n_age = maxage + 1)
VB - vulnerable biomass - matrix of nyears x nfleet
N - abundance at age - matrix of nyears+1 x n_age
F - apical fishing mortality - matrix of nyears x nfleet
F_at_age - fishing mortality at age - matrix of nyears x n_age
F_equilibrium - equilibrium fishing mortality prior to first year - vector of length nfleet
M - natural mortality - matrix of nyears x n_age
Z - total mortality - matrix of nyears x n_age
q - index catchability - vector of length nsurvey
ivul - index selectivity at age - array of dim nyears+1, n_age, nsurvey
ivul_len - corresponding index selectivity at length - matrix of nbins x nsurvey
Ipred - predicted index values - matrix of nyears x nsurvey
IAApred - predicted index catch at age - array of dim nyears, n_age, nsurvey
vul - fleet selectivity at age - array of dim nyears+1, n_age, nfleet (or nsel_block)
vul_len - corresponding fleet selectivity at length - matrix of nbins x nfleet (or nsel_block)
IALpred - predicted index catch at length - array of dim nyears, nbins, nsurvey
MLpred - predicted mean length - matrix of nyears x nfleet
MWpred - predicted mean weight - matrix of nyears x nfleet
CAApred - predicted catch at age - array of nyears, n_age, nfleet
CALpred - predicted catch at length - array of nyears, nbins, nfleet
Cpred - predicted catch in weight - matrix of nyears x nfleet
CN - predicted catch in numbers - matrix of nyears x nfleet
dynamic_SSB0 - the dynamic unfished spawning biomass calcaluated by projecting the historical model with zero catches - vector of length nyears+1
SPR_eq - equilibrium spawning potential ratio calculated from annual F-at-age - vector of length nyears
SPR_dyn - dynamic (transitional) spawning potential ratio calculated from cumulative survival of cohorts - vector of length nyears
nll - total objective function of the model - numeric
nll_fleet - objective function values for each annual data point(s) from fleets - array of nyears x nfleet x 5 (for Catch, equilibrium catch, CAA, CAL, and mean size)
nll_index - objective function values for each annual data point(s) in the index - array of nyears x nsurvey x 3 (for Index, IAA, and IAL)
prior - penalty value added to the objective function from priors - numeric
penalty - additional penalty values added to the objective function due to high F - numeric
conv - whether the model converged (whether a positive-definite Hessian was obtained) - logical
A list of output from fit to mean values of life history parameters in the operating model. The named list consists of:
obj - a list with components returned from TMB::MakeADFun()
opt - a list with components from calling stats::nlminb()
to obj
SD - a list (class sdreport) with parameter estimates and their standard errors, obtained from
report - a list of model output reported from the TMB executable, i.e. obj$report()
. See Misc.
A RCMdata object containing data inputs for the RCM.
A list describing configuration of the RCM:
drop_sim - a vector of simulations that were dropped for the output
Slot for miscellaneous information for the user. Currently unused.
Q. Huynh
An S4 class that contains output from retrospective.
Name of the assessment model.
Name of Data object.
Character vector of time series variables, e.g. recruitment, biomass, from the assessment.
An array of time series assessment output of dimension, indexed by: peel (the number of terminal years removed from the base assessment),
years, and variables (corresponding to TS_var
Character vector of estimated parameters, e.g. R0, steepness, in the assessment.
An array for estimated parameters of dimension, indexed by: peel, variables (corresponding to Est_var
), and
value (length 2 for estimate and standard error).
Q. Huynh
plot.retro summary.retro plot.Assessment
Perform a retrospective analysis, successive removals of most recent years of data to evaluate resulting parameter estimates.
retrospective(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' retrospective(x, nyr = 5, figure = TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' retrospective(x, nyr = 5, figure = TRUE)
retrospective(x, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' retrospective(x, nyr = 5, figure = TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' retrospective(x, nyr = 5, figure = TRUE)
x |
An S4 object of class Assessment or RCModel. |
... |
More arguments. |
nyr |
The maximum number of years to remove for the retrospective analysis. |
figure |
Indicates whether plots will be drawn. |
A list with an array of model output and of model estimates from the retrospective analysis.
Figures showing the time series of biomass and exploitation and parameter estimates with successive number of years removed. For a variety of time series output (SSB, recruitment, etc.) and estimates (R0, steepness, etc.), also returns a matrix of Mohn's rho (Mohn 1999).
Q. Huynh
Mohn, R. 1999. The retrospective problem in sequential population analysis: an investigation using cod fishery and simulated data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:473-488.
output <- SP(Data = swordfish) get_retro <- retrospective(output, nyr = 5, figure = FALSE)
output <- SP(Data = swordfish) get_retro <- retrospective(output, nyr = 5, figure = FALSE)
Plots the true retrospective of an assessment model during the closed-loop simulation. A series of time series estimates of SSB, F, and VB are plotted over the course of the MSE are plotted against the operating model (true) values (in black).
retrospective_AM(MSE, MP, sim = 1, plot_legend = FALSE)
retrospective_AM(MSE, MP, sim = 1, plot_legend = FALSE)
An object of class MSEtool::MSE. |
MP |
Character. The name of the management procedure created by |
sim |
Integer between 1 and MSE@nsim. The simulation number for which the retrospectives will be plotted. |
plot_legend |
Logical. Whether to plot legend to reference year of assessment in the MSE. |
For assessment models that utilize annual exploitation rates (u), the instantaneous fishing mortality rates are obtained as F = -log(1 - u).
A series of figures for SSB, depletion, fishing mortality, and vulnerable biomass (VB) estimated in the MP over the course of the closed-loop simulation against the values generated in the operating model (both historical and projected).
This function only plots retrospectives from a single simulation in the MSE. Results from one figure may not be indicative of general assessment behavior and performance overall.
Q. Huynh
SP_40_10 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY, diagnostic = "full") OM <- MSEtool::testOM; OM@proyears <- 20 myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM = OM, MPs = "SP_40_10") retrospective_AM(myMSE, MP = "SP_40_10", sim = 1) # How to get all the estimates library(dplyr) assess_estimates <- lapply(1:myMSE@nMPs, function(m) { lapply(1:myMSE@nsim, function(x) { report <- myMSE@PPD[[m]]@Misc[[x]]$Assessment_report if (is.null(report)) { return(data.frame()) } else { mutate(report, MP = myMSE@MPs[m], Simulation = x) } }) %>% bind_rows() }) %>% bind_rows()
SP_40_10 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY, diagnostic = "full") OM <- MSEtool::testOM; OM@proyears <- 20 myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM = OM, MPs = "SP_40_10") retrospective_AM(myMSE, MP = "SP_40_10", sim = 1) # How to get all the estimates library(dplyr) assess_estimates <- lapply(1:myMSE@nMPs, function(m) { lapply(1:myMSE@nsim, function(x) { report <- myMSE@PPD[[m]]@Misc[[x]]$Assessment_report if (is.null(report)) { return(data.frame()) } else { mutate(report, MP = myMSE@MPs[m], Simulation = x) } }) %>% bind_rows() }) %>% bind_rows()
A generic statistical catch-at-age model (single fleet, single season) that uses catch, index, and catch-at-age composition
data. SCA
parameterizes R0 and steepness as leading productivity parameters in the assessment model. Recruitment is estimated
as deviations from the resulting stock-recruit relationship. In SCA2
, the mean recruitment in the time series is estimated and
recruitment deviations around this mean are estimated as penalized parameters (SR = "none"
, similar to Cadigan 2016). The standard deviation is set high
so that the recruitment is almost like free parameters. Unfished and MSY reference points are not estimated, it is recommended to use yield per recruit
or spawning potential ratio in harvest control rules. SCA_Pope
is a variant of SCA
that fixes the expected catch to the observed
catch, and Pope's approximation is used to calculate the annual exploitation rate (U; i.e., catch_eq = "Pope"
SCA( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... ) SCA2( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), common_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... ) SCA_Pope( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_U_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
SCA( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... ) SCA2( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), common_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... ) SCA_Pope( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_U_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. Vulnerability to the survey is fixed in the model. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
vulnerability |
Whether estimated vulnerability is |
catch_eq |
Whether to use the Baranov equation or Pope's approximation to calculate the predicted catch at age in the model. |
CAA_dist |
Whether a multinomial or lognormal distribution is used for likelihood of the catch-at-age matrix. See details. |
CAA_multiplier |
Numeric for data weighting of catch-at-age matrix if |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
max_age |
Integer, the maximum age (plus-group) in the model. |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
fix_F_equilibrium |
Logical, whether the equilibrium fishing mortality prior to the first year of the model
is estimated. If |
fix_omega |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the catch is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
A named list (Index, CAA, Catch) of likelihood weights for the data components. For the index, a vector of length survey. For CAL and Catch, a single value. |
early_dev |
Numeric or character string describing the years for which recruitment deviations are estimated in |
late_dev |
Typically, a numeric for the number of most recent years in which recruitment deviations will
not be estimated in |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a random effects/state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
... |
Other arguments to be passed, including |
common_dev |
Typically, a numeric for the number of most recent years in which a common recruitment deviation will
be estimated (in |
fix_U_equilibrium |
Logical, same as |
The basic data inputs are catch (by weight), index (by weight/biomass), and catch-at-age matrix (by numbers).
With catch_eq = "Baranov"
(default in SCA and SCA2), annual F's are estimated parameters assuming continuous fishing over the year, while
an annual exploitation rate from pulse fishing in the middle of the year is estimated in SCA_Pope
or SCA(catch_eq = "Pope")
The annual sample sizes of the catch-at-age matrix is provided to the model (used in the likelihood for catch-at-age assuming
a multinomial distribution) and is manipulated via argument CAA_multiplier
. This argument is
interpreted in two different ways depending on the value provided. If CAA_multiplier > 1
, then this value will cap the annual sample sizes
to that number. If CAA_multiplier <= 1
, then all the annual samples sizes will be re-scaled by that number, e.g. CAA_multiplier = 0.1
multiplies the sample size to 10% of the original number. By default, sample sizes are capped at 50.
Alternatively, a lognormal distribution with inverse proportion variance can be used for the catch at age (Punt and Kennedy, 1994, as cited by Maunder 2011).
For start
(optional), a named list of starting values of estimates can be provided for:
Unfished recruitment, except when SR = "none"
where it is mean recruitment.
By default, 150% Data@OM$R0[x]
is used as the start value in closed-loop simulation, and 400% of mean catch otherwise.
Steepness. Otherwise, Data@steep[x]
is used, or 0.9 if empty.
Natural mortality. Otherwise, Data@Mort[x]
is used.
Vulnerability parameters, see next paragraph.
A vector of length nyears
for year-specific fishing mortality.
Equilibrium fishing mortality leading into first year of the model (to determine initial depletion). By default, 0.
Same as F_equilibrium when catch_eq = "Pope"
. By default, 0.
Lognormal SD of the catch (observation error) when catch_eq = "Baranov"
. By default, Data@CV_Cat[x]
Lognormal SD of the recruitment deviations (process error). By default, Data@sigmaR[x]
Vulnerability can be specified to be either logistic or dome. If logistic, then the parameter
vector vul_par
is of length 2:
corresponds to a_95
, the age of 95% vulnerability. a_95
is a transformed parameter via logit transformation to constrain a_95
to less than 75%
of the maximum age: a_95 = 0.75 * max_age * plogis(x[1])
, where x
is the estimated vector.
corresponds to a_50
, the age of 50% vulnerability. Estimated as an offset, i.e., a_50 = a_95 - exp(x[2])
With dome vulnerability, a double Gaussian parameterization is used, where vul_par
is an estimated vector of length 4:
corresponds to a_asc
, the first age of full vulnerability for the ascending limb. In the model, a_asc
is estimated via logit transformation
to constrain a_95
to less than 75% of the maximum age: a_asc = 0.75 * maxage * plogis(x[1])
, where x
is the estimated vector.
corresponds to a_50
, the age of 50% vulnerability for the ascending limb. Estimated as an offset, i.e.,
a_50 = a_asc - exp(x[2])
corresponds to a_des
, the last age of full vulnerability (where the descending limb starts). Generated via logit transformation
to constrain between a_asc
and max_age
, i.e., a_des = (max_age - a_asc) * plogis(x[3]) + a_asc
. By default, fixed to a small value so that the dome is effectively
a three-parameter function.
corresponds to vul_max
, the vulnerability at the maximum age. Estimated in logit space: vul_max = plogis(x[4])
Vague priors of vul_par[1] ~ N(0, sd = 3)
, vul_par[2] ~ N(0, 3)
, vul_par[3] ~ Beta(1.01, 1.01)
are used to aid convergence when parameters may not be well estimated,
for example, when vulnerability >> 0.5 for the youngest age class.
An object of class Assessment.
The following priors can be added as a named list, e.g., prior = list(M = c(0.25, 0.15), h = c(0.7, 0.1)
For each parameter below, provide a vector of values as described:
- A vector of length 3. The first value indicates the distribution of the prior: 1
for lognormal, 2
for uniform
on log(R0)
, 3
for uniform on R0. If lognormal, the second and third values are the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space).
Otherwise, the second and third values are the lower and upper bounds of the uniform distribution (values in normal space).
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean and SD, both in normal space. Beverton-Holt steepness uses a beta distribution,
while Ricker steepness uses a normal distribution.
- A vector of length 2 for the prior mean (in normal space) and SD (in log space). Lognormal prior.
- A matrix for nsurvey rows and 2 columns. The first column is the prior mean (in normal space) and the second column
for the SD (in log space). Use NA
in rows corresponding to indices without priors.
See online documentation for more details.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
, SCA_Pope
, and SCA_Pope
: Cat, Ind, Mort, L50, L95, CAA, vbK, vbLinf, vbt0, wla, wlb, MaxAge
: Rec, steep, sigmaR, CV_Ind, CV_Cat
: Rec, steep, CV_Ind, CV_Cat
: Rec, steep, sigmaR, CV_Ind
Q. Huynh
Cadigan, N.G. 2016. A state-space stock assessment model for northern cod, including under-reported catches and variable natural mortality rates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 72:296-308.
Maunder, M.N. 2011. Review and evaluation of likelihood functions for composition data in stock-assessment models: Estimating the effective sample size. Fisheries Research 209:311-319.
Punt, A.E. and Kennedy, R.B. 1997. Population modelling of Tasmanian rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, resources. Marine and Freshwater Research 48:967-980.
plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
res <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res2 <- SCA2(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Downweight the index res3 <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, LWT = list(Index = 0.1, CAA = 1)) compare_models(res, res2)
res <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res2 <- SCA2(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) # Downweight the index res3 <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, LWT = list(Index = 0.1, CAA = 1)) compare_models(res, res2)
A single-fleet assessment that fits to catch, indices of abundance, and fishery length compositions. See SCA for all details.
SCA_CAL( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAL_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAL_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
SCA_CAL( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAL_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAL_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. Vulnerability to the survey is fixed in the model. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
vulnerability |
Whether estimated vulnerability is |
catch_eq |
Whether to use the Baranov equation or Pope's approximation to calculate the predicted catch at age in the model. |
CAL_dist |
Character, the statistical distribution for the likelihood of the catch-at-length. |
CAL_multiplier |
Numeric for data weighting of catch-at-length matrix if |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
max_age |
Integer, the maximum age (plus-group) in the model. |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
fix_F_equilibrium |
Logical, whether the equilibrium fishing mortality prior to the first year of the model
is estimated. If |
fix_omega |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the catch is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
A named list (Index, CAA, Catch) of likelihood weights for the data components. For the index, a vector of length survey. For CAL and Catch, a single value. |
early_dev |
Numeric or character string describing the years for which recruitment deviations are estimated in |
late_dev |
Typically, a numeric for the number of most recent years in which recruitment deviations will
not be estimated in |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a random effects/state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
... |
Other arguments to be passed, including |
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
Q. Huynh
A modification of SCA
that incorporates density-dependent effects on M based on biomass depletion (Forrest et al. 2018).
Set the bounds of M in the M_bounds
argument, a length-2 vector where the first entry is M0, the M as B/B0 >= 1,
and the second entry is M1, the M as B/B0 approaches zero. Note that M0 can be greater than M1 (compensatory)
or M0 can be less than M1 (depensatory).
SCA_DDM( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", M_bounds = NULL, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
SCA_DDM( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", M_bounds = NULL, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. Vulnerability to the survey is fixed in the model. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
vulnerability |
Whether estimated vulnerability is |
catch_eq |
Whether to use the Baranov equation or Pope's approximation to calculate the predicted catch at age in the model. |
CAA_dist |
Whether a multinomial or lognormal distribution is used for likelihood of the catch-at-age matrix. See details. |
CAA_multiplier |
Numeric for data weighting of catch-at-age matrix if |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
max_age |
Integer, the maximum age (plus-group) in the model. |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
fix_F_equilibrium |
Logical, whether the equilibrium fishing mortality prior to the first year of the model
is estimated. If |
fix_omega |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the catch is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
A named list (Index, CAA, Catch) of likelihood weights for the data components. For the index, a vector of length survey. For CAL and Catch, a single value. |
early_dev |
Numeric or character string describing the years for which recruitment deviations are estimated in |
late_dev |
Typically, a numeric for the number of most recent years in which recruitment deviations will
not be estimated in |
M_bounds |
A numeric vector of length 2 to indicate the M as B/B0 approaches zero and one, respectively.
By default, set to 75% and 125%, respectively, of |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a random effects/state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
... |
Other arguments to be passed, including |
See SCA for more information on all arguments.
An object of class Assessment.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
Q. Huynh
Forrest, R.E., Holt, K.R., and Kronlund, A.R. 2018. Performance of alternative harvest control rules for two Pacific groundfish stocks with uncertain natural mortality: Bias, robustness and trade-offs. Fisheries Research 2016: 259-286.
SCA SCA_RWM plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
res <- SCA_DDM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData)
res <- SCA_DDM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData)
is a modification of SCA that incorporates a random walk in M in logit space (constant with age).
Set the variance (start$tau_M
) to a small value (0.001) in order to fix M for all years, which is functionally equivalent to SCA.
SCA_RWM( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", refyear = expression(length(Data@Year)), M_bounds = NULL, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
SCA_RWM( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", SR = c("BH", "Ricker", "none"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome"), catch_eq = c("Baranov", "Pope"), CAA_dist = c("multinomial", "lognormal"), CAA_multiplier = 50, rescale = "mean1", max_age = Data@MaxAge, start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_F_equilibrium = TRUE, fix_omega = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = list(), early_dev = c("comp_onegen", "comp", "all"), late_dev = "comp50", refyear = expression(length(Data@Year)), M_bounds = NULL, integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), inner.control = list(), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. Vulnerability to the survey is fixed in the model. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
vulnerability |
Whether estimated vulnerability is |
catch_eq |
Whether to use the Baranov equation or Pope's approximation to calculate the predicted catch at age in the model. |
CAA_dist |
Whether a multinomial or lognormal distribution is used for likelihood of the catch-at-age matrix. See details. |
CAA_multiplier |
Numeric for data weighting of catch-at-age matrix if |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
max_age |
Integer, the maximum age (plus-group) in the model. |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See below. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
fix_F_equilibrium |
Logical, whether the equilibrium fishing mortality prior to the first year of the model
is estimated. If |
fix_omega |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the catch is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the recruitment deviations is fixed. If |
A named list (Index, CAA, Catch) of likelihood weights for the data components. For the index, a vector of length survey. For CAL and Catch, a single value. |
early_dev |
Numeric or character string describing the years for which recruitment deviations are estimated in |
late_dev |
Typically, a numeric for the number of most recent years in which recruitment deviations will
not be estimated in |
refyear |
An expression for the year for which M is used to report MSY and unfished reference points. By default, terminal year. If multiple years are provided, then the mean M over the specified time period is used. |
M_bounds |
A numeric vector of length 2 to indicate the minimum and maximum M in the random walk as a proportion of the starting M
( |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the recruitment deviations (thus, treating it as a random effects/state-space variable). Otherwise, recruitment deviations are penalized parameters. |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to |
... |
Other arguments to be passed, including |
The model estimates year-specific M (constant with age) as a random walk in logit space, bounded by
a proportion of start$M
(specified in M_bounds
The starting value for the first year M (start$M) is Data@Mort[x]
and is fixed, unless a prior is provided (prior$M
The fixed SD of the random walk (tau_M
) is 0.05, by default.
Steepness and unfished recruitment in the estimation model, along with unfished reference points, correspond to spawners per recruit using the first year M.
With argument refyear
, new unfished reference points and steepness values are calculated. See examples.
Alternative values can be provided in the start list (see examples):
Unfished recruitment, except when SR = "none"
where it is mean recruitment.
By default, 150% Data@OM$R0[x]
is used as the start value in closed-loop simulation, and 400\
Steepness. Otherwise, Data@steep[x]
is used, or 0.9 if empty.
Natural mortality in the first year. Otherwise, Data@Mort[x]
is used.
Vulnerability parameters, see next paragraph.
A vector of length nyears for year-specific fishing mortality.
Equilibrium fishing mortality leading into first year of the model (to determine initial depletion). By default, 0.
Lognormal SD of the catch (observation error) when catch_eq = "Baranov"
. By default, Data@CV_Cat[x]
Lognormal SD of the recruitment deviations (process error). By default, Data@sigmaR[x]
The fixed SD of the random walk in M. By default, 0.05.
See SCA for all other information about the structure and setup of the model.
The SCA builds in a stock-recruit relationship into the model. Annual unfished and MSY reference points are calculated and reported in TMB_report of the Assessment object.
An object of class Assessment.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
Q. Huynh
res <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.05)) res2 <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res3 <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.001)) # Use mean M in most recent 5 years for reporting reference points res_5r <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, refyear = expression(seq(length(Data@Year) - 4, length(Data@Year))), start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.001)) res_5r@SSB0 # SSB0 reported (see also res_5r@TMB_report$new_E0) res_5r@TMB_report$E0 # SSB0 of Year 1 M compare_models(res, res2, res3)
res <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.05)) res2 <- SCA(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) res3 <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.001)) # Use mean M in most recent 5 years for reporting reference points res_5r <- SCA_RWM(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData, refyear = expression(seq(length(Data@Year) - 4, length(Data@Year))), start = list(M_start = 0.4, tau_M = 0.001)) res_5r@SSB0 # SSB0 reported (see also res_5r@TMB_report$new_E0) res_5r@TMB_report$E0 # SSB0 of Year 1 M compare_models(res, res2, res3)
Functions (class Assessment) that emulate a stock assessment by sampling the operating model biomass, abundance, and
fishing mortality (with observation error, autocorrelation, and bias) instead of fitting a model. This output can then
be passed onto a harvest control rule (HCR function). Shortcut
is the base function that samples the OM with an error
distribution. Shortcut2
, the more preferable option, fits SCA in the last historical year of the operating
model, estimates the error parameters using a vector autoregressive model of the residuals, and then generates model "estimates"
using predict.varest. Perfect
assumes no error in the assessment model and is useful for comparing the behavior of
different harvest control rules. To utilize the shortcut method in closed-loop simulation, use make_MP with these functions as
the Assessment model. N.B. the functions do not work with runMSE(parallel = TRUE)
for MSEtool v3.4.0 and earlier.
Shortcut( x = 1, Data, method = c("B", "N", "RF"), B_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), N_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), R_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), F_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), VAR_model, ... ) Shortcut2( x, Data, method = "N", SCA_args = list(), VAR_args = list(type = "none"), ... ) Perfect(x, Data, ...)
Shortcut( x = 1, Data, method = c("B", "N", "RF"), B_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), N_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), R_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), F_err = c(0.3, 0.7, 1), VAR_model, ... ) Shortcut2( x, Data, method = "N", SCA_args = list(), VAR_args = list(type = "none"), ... ) Perfect(x, Data, ...)
x |
An index for the objects in |
Data |
An object of class Data. |
method |
Indicates where the error in the OM is located. For "B", OM biomass is directly sampled with error.
For "N", OM abundance-at-age is sampled and biomass subsequently calculated. For "RF", recruitment and F are
sampled to calculate abundance and biomass. There is no error in biological parameters for "N" and "RF". By default,
"B" is used for |
B_err |
If |
N_err |
Same as B_err, but for abundance when |
R_err |
Same as B_err, but for recruitment when |
F_err |
Same as B_err. Always used regardless of |
VAR_model |
An object returned by VAR to generate emulated assessment error. Used by |
... |
Other arguments (not currently used). |
SCA_args |
Additional arguments to pass to SCA. Currently, arguments |
VAR_args |
Additional arguments to pass to VAR. By default, argument |
Currently there is no error in FMSY (frequently the target F in the HCR).
See Wiedenmann et al. (2015) for guidance on the magnitude of error for the shortcut emulator.
An object of class Assessment.
Q. Huynh
Wiedenmann, J., Wilberg, M.J., Sylvia, A., and Miller, T.J. 2015. Autocorrelated error in stock assessment estimates: Implications for management strategy evaluation. Fisheries Research 172: 325-334.
Shortcut_4010 <- make_MP(Shortcut, HCR40_10) Shortcut_Nerr <- make_MP(Shortcut, HCR40_10, method = "N", N_err = c(0.1, 0.1, 1)) # Highly precise! # Fits SCA first and then emulate it in the projection period Shortcut2_4010 <- make_MP(Shortcut2, HCR40_10) # Compare the shortcut method vs. fitting an SCA model with a 40-10 control rule MSE <- runMSE(testOM, MPs = c("Shortcut_4010", "SCA_4010")) # Compare the performance of three HCRs Perfect_4010 <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR40_10) Perfect_6020 <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR60_20) Perfect_8040MSY <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", TOCP = 0.8, LOCP = 0.4) MSE <- runMSE(testOM, MPs = c("Perfect_4010", "Perfect_6020", "Perfect_8040MSY"))
Shortcut_4010 <- make_MP(Shortcut, HCR40_10) Shortcut_Nerr <- make_MP(Shortcut, HCR40_10, method = "N", N_err = c(0.1, 0.1, 1)) # Highly precise! # Fits SCA first and then emulate it in the projection period Shortcut2_4010 <- make_MP(Shortcut2, HCR40_10) # Compare the shortcut method vs. fitting an SCA model with a 40-10 control rule MSE <- runMSE(testOM, MPs = c("Shortcut_4010", "SCA_4010")) # Compare the performance of three HCRs Perfect_4010 <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR40_10) Perfect_6020 <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR60_20) Perfect_8040MSY <- make_MP(Perfect, HCR_ramp, OCP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY", TOCP = 0.8, LOCP = 0.4) MSE <- runMSE(testOM, MPs = c("Perfect_4010", "Perfect_6020", "Perfect_8040MSY"))
An S4 class that contains output from simulate.
Name of the assessment model.
List of data from the assessment.
List of simulated data values. Each value returns an array.
List of simulated process error.
Estimates from the original model fit.
Estimates from the simulated data.
Q. Huynh
A convenient wrapper function (simulate
) to simulate data (and process error) from the likelihood function.
simulate(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, process_error = FALSE, refit = FALSE, cores = 1, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, process_error = FALSE, refit = FALSE, cores = 1, ... )
simulate(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, process_error = FALSE, refit = FALSE, cores = 1, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'RCModel' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, process_error = FALSE, refit = FALSE, cores = 1, ... )
object |
An object of class Assessment or RCModel containing the fitted model. |
... |
Additional arguments |
nsim |
Number of simulations |
seed |
Used for the random number generator |
process_error |
Logical, indicates if process error is re-sampled in the simulation. |
refit |
Logical, whether to re-fit the model for each simulated dataset. |
cores |
The number of CPUs for parallel processing for model re-fitting if |
Process error, e.g., recruitment deviations, will be re-sampled in the simulation.
A sim object returning the original data, simulated data, original parameters, parameters estimated
from simulated data, and process error used to simulate data.
then a nested list of model output (opt
, SD
, and report
Q. Huynh
A surplus production model that uses only a time-series of catches and a relative abundance index
and coded in TMB. The base model, SP
, is conditioned on catch and estimates a predicted index.
Continuous surplus production and fishing is modeled with sub-annual time steps which should approximate
the behavior of ASPIC (Prager 1994). The Fox model, SP_Fox
, fixes BMSY/K = 0.37 (1/e).
The state-space version, SP_SS
estimates annual deviates in biomass. An option allows for setting a
prior for the intrinsic rate of increase.
The function for the spict
model (Pedersen and Berg, 2016) is available in MSEextra.
SP( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_dep = TRUE, fix_n = TRUE, LWT = NULL, n_seas = 4L, n_itF = 3L, Euler_Lotka = 0L, SR_type = c("BH", "Ricker"), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) SP_SS( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_dep = TRUE, fix_n = TRUE, fix_sigma = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = NULL, early_dev = c("all", "index"), n_seas = 4L, n_itF = 3L, Euler_Lotka = 0L, SR_type = c("BH", "Ricker"), integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... ) SP_Fox(x = 1, Data, ...)
SP( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_dep = TRUE, fix_n = TRUE, LWT = NULL, n_seas = 4L, n_itF = 3L, Euler_Lotka = 0L, SR_type = c("BH", "Ricker"), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), ... ) SP_SS( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), fix_dep = TRUE, fix_n = TRUE, fix_sigma = TRUE, fix_tau = TRUE, LWT = NULL, early_dev = c("all", "index"), n_seas = 4L, n_itF = 3L, Euler_Lotka = 0L, SR_type = c("BH", "Ricker"), integrate = FALSE, silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 5000, eval.max = 10000), inner.control = list(), ... ) SP_Fox(x = 1, Data, ...)
x |
An index for the objects in |
Data |
An object of class Data. |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See details. |
fix_dep |
Logical, whether to fix the initial depletion (ratio of biomass to carrying capacity in the
first year of the model). If |
fix_n |
Logical, whether to fix the exponent of the production function. If |
A vector of likelihood weights for each survey. |
n_seas |
Integer, the number of seasons in the model for calculating continuous surplus production. |
n_itF |
Integer, the number of iterations to solve F conditional on the observed catch given multiple seasons within an annual time step.
Ignored if |
Euler_Lotka |
Integer. If greater than zero, the function will calculate a prior for the intrinsic rate of increase to use in the estimation model
(in lieu of an explicit prior in argument |
SR_type |
If |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of parameters regarding optimization to be passed to
... |
For |
fix_sigma |
Logical, whether the standard deviation of the index is fixed. If |
fix_tau |
Logical, the standard deviation of the biomass deviations is fixed. If |
early_dev |
Character string describing the years for which biomass deviations are estimated in |
integrate |
Logical, whether the likelihood of the model integrates over the likelihood of the biomass deviations (thus, treating it as a state-space variable). |
inner.control |
A named list of arguments for optimization of the random effects, which
is passed on to newton via |
For start
(optional), a named list of starting values of estimates can be provided for:
Maximum sustainable yield.. Otherwise, 300% of mean catch by default.
Steepness. Otherwise, Data@Mort[x]
or 0.2 is used.
Initial depletion (B/B0) in the first year of the model. By default, 1.
The production function exponent that determines BMSY/B0. By default, 2 so that BMSY/B0 = 0.5.
Lognormal SD of the index (observation error). By default, 0.05. Not
used with multiple indices.
Lognormal SD of the biomass deviations (process error) in SP_SS
. By default, 0.1.
Multiple indices are supported in the model.
Tip: to create the Fox model (Fox 1970), just fix n = 1. See example.
An object of Assessment containing objects and output from TMB.
The following priors can be added as a named list, e.g., prior = list(r = c(0.25, 0.15), MSY = c(50, 0.1). For each parameter below, provide a vector of values as described:
- A vector of length 2 for the lognormal prior mean (normal space) and SD (lognormal space).
- A vector of length 2 for the lognormal prior mean (normal space) and SD (lognormal space).
In lieu of an explicit r prior provided by the user, set argument Euler_Lotka = TRUE
to calculate the prior mean and SD using
the Euler-Lotka method (Equation 15a of McAllister et al. 2001).
The Euler-Lotka method is modified to multiply the left-hand side of equation 15a by the alpha parameter of the
stock-recruit relationship (Stanley et al. 2009). Natural mortality and steepness are sampled in order to generate
a prior distribution for r. See vignette("Surplus_production")
for more details.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
: Cat, Ind
: Cat, Ind
: CV_Ind
The model uses the Fletcher (1978) formulation and is parameterized with FMSY and MSY as leading parameters. The default conditions assume unfished conditions in the first year of the time series and a symmetric production function (n = 2).
Q. Huynh
Fletcher, R. I. 1978. On the restructuring of the Pella-Tomlinson system. Fishery Bulletin 76:515:521.
Fox, W.W. 1970. An exponential surplus-yield model for optimizing exploited fish populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99:80-88.
McAllister, M.K., Pikitch, E.K., and Babcock, E.A. 2001. Using demographic methods to construct Bayesian priors for the intrinsic rate of increase in the Schaefer model and implications for stock rebuilding. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58: 1871-1890.
Pedersen, M. W. and Berg, C. W. 2017. A stochastic surplus production model in continuous time. Fish and Fisheries. 18:226-243.
Pella, J. J. and Tomlinson, P. K. 1969. A generalized stock production model. Inter-Am. Trop. Tuna Comm., Bull. 13:419-496.
Prager, M. H. 1994. A suite of extensions to a nonequilibrium surplus-production model. Fishery Bulletin 92:374-389.
Stanley, R.D., M. McAllister, P. Starr and N. Olsen. 2009. Stock assessment for bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) in British Columbia waters. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2009/055. xiv + 200 p.
SP_production plot.Assessment summary.Assessment retrospective profile make_MP
data(swordfish) #### Observation-error surplus production model res <- SP(Data = swordfish) # Provide starting values, assume B/K = 0.875 in first year of model # and symmetrical production curve (n = 2) start <- list(dep = 0.875, n = 2) res <- SP(Data = swordfish, start = start) plot(res) profile(res, FMSY = seq(0.1, 0.4, 0.01)) retrospective(res) #### State-space version res_SS <- SP_SS(Data = swordfish, start = list(dep = 0.875, sigma = 0.1, tau = 0.1)) plot(res_SS) #### Fox model res_Fox <- SP(Data = swordfish, start = list(n = 1), fix_n = TRUE) res_Fox2 <- SP_Fox(Data = swordfish) #### SP with r prior calculated internally (100 stochastic samples to get prior SD) res_prior <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, Euler_Lotka = 100) #### Pass an r prior to the model with mean = 0.35, lognormal sd = 0.10 res_prior2 <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, prior = list(r = c(0.35, 0.10))) #### Pass MSY prior to the model with mean = 1500, lognormal sd = 0.05 res_prior3 <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, prior = list(MSY = c(1500, 0.05)))
data(swordfish) #### Observation-error surplus production model res <- SP(Data = swordfish) # Provide starting values, assume B/K = 0.875 in first year of model # and symmetrical production curve (n = 2) start <- list(dep = 0.875, n = 2) res <- SP(Data = swordfish, start = start) plot(res) profile(res, FMSY = seq(0.1, 0.4, 0.01)) retrospective(res) #### State-space version res_SS <- SP_SS(Data = swordfish, start = list(dep = 0.875, sigma = 0.1, tau = 0.1)) plot(res_SS) #### Fox model res_Fox <- SP(Data = swordfish, start = list(n = 1), fix_n = TRUE) res_Fox2 <- SP_Fox(Data = swordfish) #### SP with r prior calculated internally (100 stochastic samples to get prior SD) res_prior <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, Euler_Lotka = 100) #### Pass an r prior to the model with mean = 0.35, lognormal sd = 0.10 res_prior2 <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, prior = list(r = c(0.35, 0.10))) #### Pass MSY prior to the model with mean = 1500, lognormal sd = 0.05 res_prior3 <- SP(Data = SimulatedData, prior = list(MSY = c(1500, 0.05)))
For surplus production models, this function returns the production exponent n corresponding to BMSY/K (Fletcher 1978).
SP_production(depletion, figure = TRUE)
SP_production(depletion, figure = TRUE)
depletion |
The hypothesized depletion that produces MSY. |
figure |
Local, plots figure of production function as a function of depletion (B/K) |
The production function exponent n (numeric).
May be useful for parameterizing n
in SP and SP_SS.
Q. Huynh
Fletcher, R. I. 1978. On the restructuring of the Pella-Tomlinson system. Fishery Bulletin 76:515:521.
SP_production(0.5) SP_production(0.5)
SP_production(0.5) SP_production(0.5)
A simple age-structured model (SCA_Pope) fitted to a time series of catch going back to unfished conditions. Terminal depletion (ratio of current total biomass to unfished biomass) is by default fixed to 0.4. Selectivity is fixed to the maturity ogive, although it can be overridden with the start argument. The sole parameter estimated is R0 (unfished recruitment), with no process error.
SSS( x = 1, Data, dep = 0.4, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), ... )
SSS( x = 1, Data, dep = 0.4, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), rescale = "mean1", start = NULL, prior = list(), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
dep |
Depletion value to use in the model. Can be an expression that will be evaluated inside the function. |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
rescale |
A multiplicative factor that rescales the catch in the assessment model, which
can improve convergence. By default, |
start |
Optional named list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function:
prior |
A named list for the parameters of any priors to be added to the model. See details in |
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to |
... |
Other arguments to be passed (not currently used). |
In SAMtool, SSS is an implementation of SCA_Pope with fixed final depletion (in terms of total biomass, not spawning biomass) assumption.
An object of class Assessment.
Q. Huynh
Cope, J.M. 2013. Implementing a statistical catch-at-age model (Stock Synthesis) as a tool for deriving overfishing limits in data-limited situations. Fisheries Research 142:3-14.
res <- SSS(Data = Red_snapper) SSS_MP <- make_MP(SSS, HCR40_10, dep = 0.3) # Always assume depletion = 0.3
res <- SSS(Data = Red_snapper) SSS_MP <- make_MP(SSS, HCR40_10, dep = 0.3) # Always assume depletion = 0.3
Returns a summary of parameter estimates and output from an Assessment object.
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' summary(object)
## S4 method for signature 'Assessment' summary(object)
object |
An object of class Assessment |
A list of parameters.
output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) summary(output)
output <- DD_TMB(Data = MSEtool::SimulatedData) summary(output)
An S4 object containing catch and index time series for North Atlantic swordfish.
An object of class MSEtool::Data.
ASPIC Software at https://www.mhprager.com/aspic.html
A function to calculate the total allowable catch (TAC). Based on the MSY (maximum sustainable yield) principle, the TAC is the product of either UMSY or FMSY and the available biomass, i.e. vulnerable biomass, in terminal year.
TAC_MSY(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac = 1)
TAC_MSY(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac = 1)
Assessment |
An Assessment object with estimates of UMSY or FMSY and terminal year vulnerable biomass. |
reps |
The number of stochastic draws of UMSY or FMSY. |
MSY_frac |
The fraction of FMSY or UMSY for calculating the TAC (e.g. MSY_frac = 0.75 fishes at 75% of FMSY). |
A vector of length reps
of stochastic samples of TAC recommendation. Returns NA's
if missing either UMSY/FMSY or vulnerable biomass.
is deprecated as of version 1.2 in favor of TAC_MSY
the latter has a more informative name.
A convenient function to open a web browser with the openMSE documentation vignettes
Displays a browser webpage to the openMSE website.
A VPA model that back-calculates abundance-at-age assuming that the catch-at-age is known without error and tuned to an index. The population dynamics equations are primarily drawn from VPA-2BOX (Porch 2018). MSY reference points and per-recruit quantities are then calculated from the VPA output.
VPA( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", expanded = FALSE, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome", "free"), start = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_Fratio = TRUE, fix_Fterm = FALSE, LWT = NULL, shrinkage = list(), n_itF = 5L, min_age = "auto", max_age = "auto", refpt = list(), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), ... )
VPA( x = 1, Data, AddInd = "B", expanded = FALSE, SR = c("BH", "Ricker"), vulnerability = c("logistic", "dome", "free"), start = list(), fix_h = TRUE, fix_Fratio = TRUE, fix_Fterm = FALSE, LWT = NULL, shrinkage = list(), n_itF = 5L, min_age = "auto", max_age = "auto", refpt = list(), silent = TRUE, opt_hess = FALSE, n_restart = ifelse(opt_hess, 0, 1), control = list(iter.max = 2e+05, eval.max = 4e+05), ... )
x |
A position in the Data object (by default, equal to one for assessments). |
Data |
An object of class Data |
AddInd |
A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the model. Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@Ind, "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@SpInd. |
expanded |
Whether the catch at age in |
SR |
Stock-recruit function (either |
vulnerability |
Whether the terminal year vulnerability is |
start |
Optional list of starting values. Entries can be expressions that are evaluated in the function. See details. |
fix_h |
Logical, whether to fix steepness to value in |
fix_Fratio |
Logical, whether the ratio of F of the plus-group to the previous age class is fixed in the model. |
fix_Fterm |
Logical, whether to fix the value of the terminal F. |
A vector of likelihood weights for each survey. |
shrinkage |
A named list of up to length 2 to constrain parameters:
n_itF |
The number of iterations for solving F in the model (via Newton's method). |
min_age |
An integer to specify the smallest age class in the VPA. By default, the youngest age with non-zero CAA in the terminal year is used. |
max_age |
An integer to specify the oldest age class in the VPA. By default, the oldest age with non-zero CAA for all years is used. |
refpt |
A named list of how many years to average parameters for calculating reference points, yield per recruit, and spawning potential ratio:
silent |
Logical, passed to |
opt_hess |
Logical, whether the hessian function will be passed to |
n_restart |
The number of restarts (calls to |
control |
A named list of arguments for optimization to be passed to
... |
Other arguments to be passed. |
The VPA is initialized by estimating the terminal F-at-age. Parameter Fterm
is the apical terminal F if
a functional form for vulnerability is used in the terminal year, i.e., when vulnerability = "logistic"
or "free"
If the terminal F-at-age are otherwise independent parameters,
is the F for the reference age which is half the maximum age. Once terminal-year abundance is
estimated, the abundance in historical years can be back-calculated. The oldest age group is a plus-group, and requires
an assumption regarding the ratio of F's between the plus-group and the next youngest age class. The F-ratio can
be fixed (default) or estimated.
For start
(optional), a named list of starting values of estimates can be provided for:
The terminal year fishing mortality. This is the apical F when vulnerability = "logistic"
or "free"
The ratio of F in the plus-group to the next youngest age. If not provided, a value of 1 is used.
Vulnerability parameters in the terminal year. This will be of length 2 vector for "logistic"
or length 4 for
, see SCA for further documentation on parameterization. For option "free"
, this will be a vector of length
A-2 where A is the number of age classes in the model. To estimate parameters, vulnerability is initially set to one at half the max age
(and subsequently re-calculated relative to the maximum F experienced in that year). Vulnerability in the plus-group is also constrained
by the Fratio.
MSY and depletion reference points are calculated by fitting the stock recruit relationship to the recruitment and SSB estimates. Per-recruit quantities are also calculated, which may be used in harvest control rules.
An object of class Assessment. The F vector is the apical fishing mortality experienced by any age class in a given year.
The VPA tends to be finicky to implement straight out of the box. For example, zeros in plusgroup age in the catch-at-age model will crash the model, as well as if the catch-at-age values are close to zero. The model sets F-at-age to 1e-4 if any catch-at-age value < 1e-4.
It is recommended to do some preliminary fits with the VPA before running simulations en masse. See example below.
Shrinkage, penalty functions that stabilize model estimates of recruitment and selectivity year-over-year near the end of the time series, alters the behavior of the model. This is something to tinker with in your initial model fits, and worth evaluating in closed-loop simulation.
Model description and equations are available on the openMSE website.
Porch, C.E. 2018. VPA-2BOX 4.01 User Guide. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-726. 67 pp.
OM <- MSEtool::testOM # Simulate logistic normal age comps with CV = 0.1 # (set CAA_ESS < 1, which is interpreted as a CV) OM@CAA_ESS <- c(0.1, 0.1) Hist <- MSEtool::Simulate(OM, silent = TRUE) # VPA max age is 15 (Hist@Data@MaxAge) m <- VPA(x = 2, Data = Hist@Data, vulnerability = "dome") # Use age-9 as the VPA max age instead m9 <- VPA(x = 2, Data = Hist@Data, vulnerability = "dome", max_age = 9) compare_models(m, m9)
OM <- MSEtool::testOM # Simulate logistic normal age comps with CV = 0.1 # (set CAA_ESS < 1, which is interpreted as a CV) OM@CAA_ESS <- c(0.1, 0.1) Hist <- MSEtool::Simulate(OM, silent = TRUE) # VPA max age is 15 (Hist@Data@MaxAge) m <- VPA(x = 2, Data = Hist@Data, vulnerability = "dome") # Use age-9 as the VPA max age instead m9 <- VPA(x = 2, Data = Hist@Data, vulnerability = "dome", max_age = 9) compare_models(m, m9)